Will the seminal fluid be discharged with urine
Under the normal situation, when the urine is bloated and full in the bladder, if allowing in condition, ldquo; Can urinate rdquo; Order send out since cerebral cortex,reflection of spinals through sacral bone portion,bladder be will last relaxationed sphincter, the urine can be discharged outside the body. When the condition is not allowed, such as the sleep, though always dream and look for the toilet because of suppressing the urine, but side by side the urine. It seems, though people have slept soundly, the brain is not according to bloated and full information of the bladder, send out ldquo; Urinate rdquo; Order.Men are in sex excitement, the bladder sphincter of the initial place of urethra and urethral film portion sphincter outside it are in shrinking state that lies. In this way, form an airtight small space between the two, is shrunk the sperm that drove by the smooth muscle rhythm of epididymis and spermatic duct, mix with the secretion that comes here from prostate and seminal vesicle. When the seminal fluid of the savings increases until a certain amounts, the stimulus that or the penis receives reach enough intensity, the high tide of sexual desire appears, ejaculate, take place, urethral the intersection of membrane department and sphincter relaxation, the seminal fluid of the savings penetrates via the road junction of the urine. Ejaculate, can never lie in bladder sphincter the inside relaxation, the urine would not be arranged out together too, the natural seminal fluid will not enter the bladder either. Infer the cerebral cortex in this case will play a certain control role in the sphincter of bladder too, that is to say, the brain can assert this is in ldquo; The condition is not allowed rdquo to urinate; State. So, will not urinate at the same time during ejaculation.However, such complicated dissection structure and physiological function will go out of order sometimes. If the shrink rhythm of spermatic duct,etc. gets muddled while ejaculating, or the bladder sphincter has not shrunk at the same time, then the seminal fluid can be drained into the bladder but not discharged by the urethra, this is that the so-called back run ejaculates. It is often one of the sterile reasons to drive in the wrong direction and ejaculate. To man, even drive in the wrong direction and ejaculate, there is pleasant sensation ejaculating, so I will not be aware mostly. Because sterility go hospital find, or clear after the wife point out go to a doctor, often. This kind of situation is not born while postponing ejaculating repeatedly at the time of ejaculating or sexual intercourse while seeing more sexual intercourse. This kind of method to violate natural law, will cause and control the bladder sphincter urinating to be relaxed, once ldquo like this of once appears; Drive in the wrong direction, ejaculate rdquo; ,Very difficult to want to return to normal and ejaculate again.Drive in the wrong direction, ejaculate except arising from function reason, it is the intersection of bladder and the intersection of shank and sphincter that make it lack proper care not to shrink the function because of organic disease mainly, cause closed that can't be close while ejaculating. Such as urethra narrow precise mound loose damaging these sphincter,etc. by young diabetes the intersection of bladder and the intersection of neck and the intersection of function and disorder and operation. Take guanethidine, equal medicine of favourable blood, will result in driving in the wrong direction and ejaculating too.
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