Often eat too fully and watch out for the male special topic of _ of cancer
It is a lot to eat too full harm to the health, so the long-term person that is satiated with food should be careful, in case various disease upper part of the body, please see the ensuing chapters to introduce in detail specifically.
The man has worked hard for one day, get back to home to really want to gorge on. But dinner don't be eaten too much and too fully, otherwise damage your health. People, on the quantity of treating the diet, ldquo; Have enough rdquo to eat; It is quite a lot of persons' diet that requires, such people are by no means rare to eat three meals a day and eat the person who drinks sea without restraint, writing brush unbounded diet makes digestive system such as people's stomach, intestines often in tense working state, all viscera organ and unable to maintain use of overload too. This kind eats harm that the phenomenon has two respects on health at least.
Issue a research results recently in Tokyo, point out men are too full, will cause and inhibit the cell cancer genic circulation from reducing, increase its probability that suffers from cancer. This research regards 58 men as the target. Researchers have investigated their eating habit, find ldquo; Each is very full rdquo; Person and ldquo; Basically only eat eight points of full rdquo; Person compare,morph the the former one cell,lose by ability of moving. It is the main reason causing canceration probability to increase. Investigation find, drink people of green tea and take people of cabbage often at ordinary times still, its cellular activity is more vigorous, but, why they are beneficial to human cells actively, there has not been the last final conclusion at present. If what danger is food full too to have? We make a concrete analysis of:
First, initiate stomach trouble
People's digestive system needs recuperating regularly, could keep the normal work. It is satiated with food,at digest food of yet, be be be played whether the foods of lasted stomach againedded, the digestive system can not get due recuperation. The cell life-span of skin is very short on the mucous membrane of human stomach, every 2 mdash; Will repair once in 3 days, still often eat the midnight snack, the chance of making the mucous membrane of stomach repaired outside eating three meals a day. Have enough the harm of going to bed more
Some people get used to ldquo; Have had enough rdquo on sleeping; ,This is tantamount to ldquo; Sleep in order to wait for the disease rdquo;
The sleep after supper, most histoorgans of organism begin to enter ldquo with slow supersession; rdquo of rest and reorganization; The state, but the gastrointestinal tract are force to in ldquo; rdquo of tense working; China, cause some states of organism to be uneven. Because make the food delayed in the stomach for a long time, force stomaches to secrete the gastric juice in a large amount, destroy the intersection of stomach and mucous membrane, produce the intersection of stomach and rotten, gastric ulcer easily, thus bring out gastric carcinoma.
Second, lopsided development
Hypernutrition will increase burden and lopsided development of all internal organs in the body too. ldquo such as vascular disease of the heart brain, diabetes, fatty liver, obesity; rdquo of rich man's disease; Reason getting more gluttonous all make come out. In addition, the amount of hormone of gland is proportional to diet amount at ordinary times by first form in the body.
Will make while being long-term hormone of gland increase by first form in the human body, it is apt to make the skeleton take off calcium excessively, cause osteoporosis, from when being young on person that are satiated with food often, by old age, because the hormone content of gland obviously increases, even absorb more calcium by first form in the body, also difficult to be calm in the skeleton, so will obviously increase when suffering from the chance of osteoporosis.
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