3 kinds of most frequently used artificial colors such as being red and yellow include carcinogen
It is absolutely unable to promote nutrition quality to formate the chemical material, have no advantage to the food security, but these chemical materials will cause influence on children's behavior, even may be carcinogenic, bring to health and threaten.
The food manufacturers in the whole world probably use 7 million kilograms of artificial colors every day, food such as the biscuit, candy, puffed rice and ice cream mostly include the artificial color. 3 kinds of artificial colors most often used including red the 40th, yellow the 5th and yellow include the carcinogen on the 6th.
If the food includes for yellow the 4th, the 5th and red artificial colors such as the 40th,etc., European Union has already forced food manufacturers to annotate the poster in food packing, remind the food of consumer type " May affect children activity, attention adversely " .
It is reported, in people's daily food, few food does not include food additive. Have the intersection of emulsifier and the intersection of form and sweet lipoprotein, have the intersection of colorant agent and the intersection of caramel and pigment, make bean curd want, use, solidify pharmaceutical, leaven dough, take, use sodium bicarbonate in the soy sauce in the bread Everybody eats into fifty or sixty kinds of food additive every day.
Additive apt to exceed standard is as follows, in the common food
Instant noodles - -Antioxidant is apt to exceed standard; Antioxidant, preservative in the oil bag will exceed standard.
Biscuit - -Because the biscuit includes the moisture fewly, not without preservative, but antioxidant will exceed standard.
Jelly - -Glue of thickening agent such as Cara, agar are generally difficult to go wrong, but pigment and edulcorant is apt to exceed standard.
Bread - -The bread sold now is difficult to go wrong, but contain preservatives in the filling of the bread.
Milk - -The fresh milk has no additive problem, but preservative and edulcorant in the milk beverage are apt to exceed standard.
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