How much is corn one of sweet potato eaten at once suitable? Guidance of _'s nutrition
Tell stories first: Everybody really notices even more to the healthy diet, go to eat buffets now, a lot of people will hold less rice, add more sweet potato, corn or even chestnut, think they are all coarse food grain, taste healthier. And will see and sell the stand of corn or sweet potato everywhere on the road, buy one when being hungry, result of allaying hunger is very good too. But the problem is, a lot of people eat the food " quantity " Concept,it is act as by snacks to bring often, can how much there is how much there is. In fact, though they are all the high and fibrous food of low fat, if has eaten too much, will let the body get fat too.
State the reasons again: This kind of staple food is carbohydrate, it is very easy to be absorb by the human body, heat is still really not low. Have one very easy standard of memory, one ordinary centimetre of sweet potatoes or a corn of stature, its heat is equivalent to half a bowl of rice. The heat of the chestnut should be a bit higher, 0.1 kilograms of chestnuts are equivalent to the heat of a bowl of rice. So you must take things easy some take, especially those treat them as people that snacks wipe out.
Generally speaking, corn and sweet potato are suitable for cooking the staple food, the full belly sense is stronger. Should notice, if eaten in dinner, avoid eating other starch food again, so as not to cause the fat.
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