Practise Yoga and reduce heart disease
According to one India, Yoga can slow down the serious coronary artery disease patient's arteriosclerosis. S of India. C. Manchanda,etc. includes in 42 men who suffer from coronary artery disease, has carried on the research in one year, these patients all take the health care measure which control the dangerous factor and adjust the recipe, but practise routine Yoga of 90 minutes, does not practise extra Yoga in a part in a part. Before treating, all give the skill inspection of the angiography to so the patients. Found finally, one year later, Yoga's group moved ability was strengthened notably, the chest ached and broke out to reduce, the openner need to artery is reduced, the weight is lightened, cholesterol level is reduced. The researcher claims, Yoga's study course is feasible as treating the method of coronary artery disease of period of progress at the same time. (Their thesis is issued on Journal of the Association of Physicians of India of July. ) 123 websites offer health exclusively, if want to reprint, please indicate the source
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