So thin that you get _'s other methods of method of weight-reducing of New York OL coffee
Have you heard of the method of weight-reducing of New York OL coffee? So long as steep a cup of coffee, move, can reduce weight rapidly. Feel very magical? Let light to arrange, bring everybody, know the intersection of coffee and method of weight-reducing, OL of New York, today, think thin MM can not be missed.
Principle of method of weight-reducing of coffee
OL drinking coffee in love has noticed, everybody knows there is function that produces refreshing effect to the mind in coffee, but do you know coffee can reduce weight? This does not joke. Drink coffee and can promote the renal function in right amount, promote diuresis, help to discharge surplus sodium ion outside the body in the body; And can stimulate the gastric acid to secrete, promote and digest and assimilate. Coffee can also promote metabolism, activate digestive organs, there is efficiency greatly on constipation. Can propose MM that wants to reduce weight after lunch for 30 minutes and taste a cup of strong coffee without sugar and companion in an hour, promote the fat to burn. Before coming off duty, and then drank a cup of coffee, and cooperated and walked, the weight-reducing result is better.
Method of weight-reducing of coffee implements three knacks
1.Do not add the sugar: Some MM drinks coffee and always adds one piles of cube sugar, so not merely will hinder the resolving of the fat, will also let blood glucose be raised, let you drink the fatter. If you think the pure coffee is too bitter, can add a small amount of milk, but must not add the sugar, otherwise weight-reducing result.
2.The hot coffee is more effective than the ice coffee: The hot coffee can stimulate the stomach to secrete the gastric acid, promote and digest and assimilate, prevent the fat from piling up in the body, and can help you to consume internal heat faster. Must remember drinking the steaming hot coffee later.
3.Choose the light degree of coffee baked: Bake coffee of high temperature, there is less caffeine content, the weight-reducing result is not obvious. And the American coffee which taste lighter is relatively large in acidity, reduce weight more favorably.
Weight-reducing first-selected black coffee
A cup and 100 grams of black coffee has 2.55 kilocalories of heat only. Drink coffee not only heat is low, but also can decompose the fat effectively. In addition, black coffee has diuresis function, can prevent the body edema effectively. Often drink black coffee, can arrange and pile up the toxin in the clear body, make you more and more very thin. MM not fearing hardships tries hard to try to drink black coffee, but one day don't exceed 3 cups, in case that the nerve is too excited, night easy insomnia.
Dreg massage of coffee reduces weight
The coffee dreg boiled don't be wasted either, it can use each position of the massage health, can not only make the skin cause more closely but also can promote the blood circulation, accelerate the fat to decompose. MM that wants to reduce weight can be mediated with right amount of coffee powder and right amount of massage oil, with spiral according to apply thigh and think tight position while being other, coffee powder can promote the blood circulation of skin, prevent the honeycomb from being organized producing, make skins such as the thigh,etc. tighter and realer.
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