The hopeless case woman and boyfriend prison gets married the mandarin duck of cruel fate obtains net friend's blessing
" L Come out what is rooms of feeling thing, teach life and death let direct " ,One cancer already woman to reach later period, one that prison served a sentence boyfriend, on November 12, this pair of lovers loving each other for 13 years finished their special wedding in the burnt south prison. Unless wedding scene, gather around two persons of rookie tightly at scene,but shortly after,because bride is tired, originally the wedding of half an hour has been shortened more than ten minutes, after the photo of the wedding is uploaded by the network, pair of this that countless net friends leave a message correctly " L The mandarin duck of cruel fate " R Express blessings. The reporter verified this wedding of prison to the burnt south prison too yesterday.
On November 15, one is called on Yeah's forum " L Stay down elder brother " R Net friend release piece model>,This model arouses the attention from a lot of net friends at once.
Model write so : " She, 37 years old, later period of cancer; He, 42 years old, cures the disease for her in order to raise the money, because steal and is put in prison, punishment is 4 years of period. As the woman, her hope is to wear wedding gauze kerchief once in one's remaining years; As the man, he has paid everything for this woman, and in order to realize her hope but and she has come into the marriage palace hand in hand. Will it be November 12 2010, in the intersection of Henan Province and burnt south prison, prune laugh at very much magnificently, but the stride staggers, the wedding of half an hour has been only held for more than ten minutes, wind up a matter hastily or perfunctorily because she is unable to insist in the original plan. But the wedding like this fairy tale, let several hundred honoured guests present shed silent tears. "
Subsequently, " L Stay down elder brother " R Have chained the photo of this wedding. On the photo, the bride is wrapping the beautiful wedding gauze kerchief, the bridegroom still wears and imprisons the clothes, two people close one pair of eyes first, both hands are shut ten, pray to it. Subsequently, the fireworks display floats and falls, two people bow to the on-the-spot honoured guest affectionately. Bride's stride staggers, is carried on the shoulder by the bridegroom soon, give on the carriage return.
The reporter understands to subsequently, this special bridegroom is that Li is new, bride Dong Yan is made a definite diagnosis of the later period of cancer in May of this year, the doctor tells her there is not much time . Leave in front of the the world, Dong Yan only dream just, marry boyfriend serving a sentence in the prison. And Li Xin one important reason of stealing time and again, just for rescue she suffer from woman friend of serious illness.
Net friend : This feeling makes people visibly moved
" It is the helpless act too to steal, sympathize with very much, very moved, but does not agree to his method. " L The net friend " wsguozhong" Appraise this man like this. Though has stolen and offended against the state law, a lot of net friends still think, Li Xin is a man with friendship.
" In any case, should move because of heavy feeling of this man, bless for happiness of this woman. "
" Very moved, bless them, wish the bride to recover. "
Even a net friend says : " He does not steal, he heals the wounded, rescue the dying, he is a hero. "
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