Tuesday, February 26, 2013

What characteristics does the question by back woman have definitely?

What characteristics does the question by back woman have definitely?
Keep the psychosomatic health to old women of rational and appropriate sexual activity will only be useful and harmless. But old women do not often know how just normal their sexual activity after menopausal is. Though most hopeless menstrual woman's all reduction of noticing interest and sexual activity, and they still wish to keep certain sex contact, and unwilling to stop the sexual activity from then on, but vary with all sorts of physiology appearing in the old course, continuing the sexual relations which keep happy and harmonious just becomes more difficult thing. They often need to get consultation and help of the medical worker.
The doctor should be familiar with and understand all sorts of physiological changes that old women appear at this moment, it is known how to appraise the patient's physiology and pathologic state correctly, improve their sexual life quality, make patients keep the positive sexual life.
Physiological change by back woman definitely
Influence hopeless menstrual woman function and sex expression and make the factor for all sorts of changes of their sexual behavior numerous. There is question of the referring to respect will have 1 4 to 1 3 gynecological patients in the main suit. There are two hopeless menstrual woman's most common sex questions, first, the sexual intercourse while inserting pains, second, the sexual desire fails.
It is that the hormone level drop to influence all hopeless menstrual women's common factor. Because the ovary withers, make estrogen level and progesterone level drop constantly. To woman after menopause in natural state, their estrogen is no longer produced from the ovary, but is transformed on the periphery by androgen, but androgen is ovarian ground substance cells (not follicle) Produce with the renal gland. Can imagine, the internal estrogen level is much lower than menopause at this moment.
Factors that it is of different psychology of influence to exert the society with be able to work up the sexual activity under any age are different to some extent, the estrogenous one is deficient seriously to have a particular impact on sex behavior of the hopeless menstrual woman. People realized estrogen lost the relation with sexual dysfunction as early as more than 40 years ago, recommend, use estrogen substitute reason of treatment one of originally, to want, try the intersection of retentivity and normal operation of function. The expert regards not accepting that substitute the hopeless menstrual woman of the treatment as " Remove the person of the gender " .
The estrogen level has dropped and caused all sorts of changes to female sex organ of this period. The fat of mons pubes and perineum department disappears, the overcast lip withers and nearly disappears gradually, pubes and armpit hair are becoming more sparse. The ovary withers notably, the oviduct is as small as the cotton rope, the uterus is returned to the size before adolescence, membrane and cervix uteri wither too in the uterus. The vagina loses elasticity and expanding ability, become short and fragile, the cover becomes thin and turns white on the vagina, it is apt to bleed because of losing it to vascular protective support sometimes, in addition the vagina lubricates secreting speed and secreting amount to reduce of the thing.
These physiological changes, especially the leather shinking change will cause on disappearance and vagina of the overcast lip fat 8 - 3 0 % Menopause women back appearance is painful in sexual intercourse. And - --
( 1 ) , the reducing of sex interest seems concerned with with the failing of estrogen. The women of someone before menopause, in the menopause, after the menopause separately in the more same age group, the investigation result finds they have reducing of reporting interests of the persons of 52, 68 and 79 separately.
( 2 ) , the frequency of sexual life is reduced with the failing of estrogen too. An investigation shows, the early women of menopause time more competent than blood estrogen of later period of menopause, its frequency of sexual intercourse is almost the same tall time too. Though a lot of experts think testis ketone level is the driving force of the sex, but testis ketone level between these two groups of women has no difference. Someone thinks when estrogen of blood get 35 fine long hair microgram milligram or lowers poorly, indicate the intersection of sexual intercourse and obvious change of frequency ' Less than every week 1 Time) ,So this number value has become a critical figure. When the estrogen level is higher than this value, almost all the women are once of sexual intercourse at least every week. An investigation shows, 4 6 - 5 0 years old, 5 0 - 6 0 years old, 6 0 - 7 0 stop the number of woman of woman of sexual activity and take 14, 42 and 73 in three age groups separately at years old. The investigation still shows all formal frequency of sexual activity by back woman definitely ' Sexual intercourse, hand, to the genital stimulus and very intimate activity of human body,etc.) The women before lower than the pausimeniaing.
( 3 ) , orgasm ability drops after menopause too. Though the majority's climax ability still maitains unchanged, it is reported year old, 50 year old, 54 year old have 12, 16, the intersection of woman and unable to up to the orgasm when sexual intercourse report of 24 separately in 38.
The other changes of the sexual response cycle that women go through include after menopause:
The blush incidence of the sex drops, the tense degree of skin is reduced, the breast volume no longer increase when the sex is stimulated, the big gland of vestibule secretes and slackens or stops, the vagina lubricates the delay or lacks, the vagina is reduced by the width of the neck cross section of palace, 1 3 the intersection of congestion and intensity lighten outside the vagina, climax less appearing the aching shrink of uterus once in a while.
Not strange at all, the whole individual response by back woman has made obtusely or weakened definitely.
Influence of the social psychological factor
No companion or the intersection of sex and companion it suffers from sexual dysfunction to be to influence hopeless the intersection of menstrual woman and important non- physiological factor of sexual behavior. A lot of old women are single because of berefting of one's spouse or divorcing, their having companion. The decline problems of facing behavior and sex ability because of being advanced in years that some women with spouse often run into the husband too. If male testis ketone level is reduced in the aging course, blood vessel and neural function are lowered and retreated; Old men often need more sense of touch to stimulate the reaching to arouse too. And a lot of old women have one's own persistent ideas in the acceptance of the sexual behavior, they refuse to change one's own sex manner, often make them lose the chance of sexual activity too.
People find woman's sex interest and sex satisfaction before the pausimenia are a key factor of the sexual life after influencing their menopause. Namely the women not very active of the sexual life before pausimenia, the sexual life after its menopause is not still active. On the contrary, the women who have sexual intercourse 2 times at least every week before pausimenia, can still keep the active sexual activity after menopausal.
How did the doctor help to meet difficulty to old women
To woman's low phenomenon that reduces seriously of the estrogen level in the body after menopause, hormone can bring whole body to woman, improve a short time in health status in place of treatment ' Such as dispelling symptoms such as flush, night sweating, insomnia,etc.) ,And stalwart to cardiovascular system and skeleton ' Namely prevent Bone


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