Vitamin k slows down old man insulin to resist
United States Department of Agriculture is set up Gene of the university of Sri Lankan in the tower. Step the human old nutrition research center (USDA HNRCA) In the 3 - year long finding that 60~80 -year-old man and women carried on to 335 ages, emergence that vitamin k can slow down old men insulin resisted.
"Take vitamin k man of additive few develop situation that insulin resists into at the end of clinical experiment. " Vitamin k experiment chief of the office Sarah of the research center. Booth says. "On the contrary, we find in the women who take vitamin k and man and women not taking vitamin k that develop the phenomenon resisted into insulin. "
Many kinds of vitamins administrating these persons studied every day include 500mg vitamin k, this dosage is food of medicine and suitable intaking amount (AI) which the nutritive meal association recommends 5 time. In addition, they also take calcium pharmaceutical and vitamin D. The control group takes many kinds of vitamin and calcium pharmaceutical and vitamin Ds too except not taking vitamin k. In the experiment, researchers pass the steady state model (HOMA-IR) Have resisted assessing their insulin. Other, has also measured and prohibited to eat blood glucose and insulinogenic level for 10 hours at least. Found finally, taking vitamin k except could improve male insulin to resist, insulinogenic level of their blood is low than the men not taking vitamin k.
Insulin is a kind of hormone transporting glucose to in cells, in this way glucose could be changed into energy. Will resist insulin of the diabetic omen when the human body can't utilize insulin. Because too much fat can interfere with the function of insulin, so, the fat and overweight person develops the inclination resisted into insulin.
Author write weight can explain why man take vitamin k improve insulin to resist only in November " the diabetic health care " that publish. "In the intersection of we and research, until with man who take vitamin k large the intersection of woman and fat overweight number of people to take vitamin k these. " Booth says. "Vitamin k is stored in the fat. If there is too much fat, those cells needing vitamin k to deal with glucose can't get vitamin k effectively.
Because there is little research that vitamin k and insulin resist the relation, the author requires that further studies their result, and change the angle studied. "The initial purpose that we study is to assess the impact on mineral density of skeleton and blood vessel calcification of vitamin k. " Booth says. "For example, this is that a can measure the method of the insulinogenic secretion situation more directly as to steady state model. Our research is only limited to the white race growing up too. We admit, our result of study may not be fit for the general crowd. "
The author says, though we have used additive of vitamin k in the experiment, this dosage can also reach through the healthy diet. The food with abundant vitamin k includes, the Brussels sprouts, broccoli, spinach and cabbage mustard dish.
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