Red wine improve looks, make perfect _'s skin care of skin
No the young girls all like drinking some red wine, will contain red wine composition in many skin care products too, why? The principle that you know red wine and improve looks? Do you think you let your skin become ruddier while sampling wine? Please see the following introduction.
Drink red wine beneficial to the skin
The intersection of extraction and thing in the claret, can control skin aging - appear better to resist strenuously damaging the material often in plant kingdom, contain in the claret. And more than 10 types of compositions exist, especially the composition which produces the red pigment contained, can avoid damage active oxygen, the efficiency is very obvious.
Room pul in the northwestern part of India, women, prevail and improve looks by the external application of Portugal sugar and wine, ladies paint the wine on the face evenly, cooperate with appropriate massage, the nutrient component is absorbed gradually in the skin will fill a wine cup for sb., according to shopkeeper's of the cosmetic shop of wine introduction, the wine is pure nature, there will not be any injury, so can rest assured to use.
1,Whiten moistly: 100% contain the abundant many phenol of grape, can stimulate the obscure usually failing and supersession of the skin, it is good to whiten the result.
2,Restrain the pore: Plain and balanced function of water oil that 80% of the red wine contains SOD, can restrain the pore splendidly, make lamination of skin soft and smooth and fine and smooth.
3,Crease-resistant to resist aging: 70% of the people who are used red wine facial film will think that there is feeling that skin draws at once, anti-aging ability is 50 times that of Vitamin E, and 25 times that of vitamin C, can resist free radical rapidly.
4,Dispel the spot and dispel small pox: 30% of the red wine still can inhibit the regeneration of spot and small pox besides main whitening the crease-resistant function.
1,Red wine nourishes the facial film
Efficiency: Go dead skin, moist skin
A, washing and only drying the plastic container, if there are conditions, you had better put into the sterilizer and sterilize.
B, putting paper of a facial film into plastic containering, quenches into red wine, once the paper of facial film will rise to contact the moisture big immediately, the quantity of the red wine quenched into is in order to flood and rise the big facial film.
C, cleaning both hands to open the facial film, applies on the face, feel and take down when the moisture on facial film is half-dried. Apply before proposing selecting to take a shower in one day every week, use meaning the belly is massaged gently while having a bath, help the face to remove the dead skin, the result is better.
One's own skin person allergic to alcohol had better not use this kind of facial film, moreover such red the intersection of wine and facial film had better use evening, because skin dead skin if goes out and gets sun after removing, will accelerate the aging of the skin instead.
2,Honey facial film of wine
Efficiency: The skin is moist and pale and smooth, wrinkles are reduced light.
Method: Make basic material with the powder 50g of wheat, quench into the wine 30ml, stir into pastel. Add by a big spoon of honey, thin thin layer apply to the wrinkle directly, or wipe and stick on the face first, and then apply to the face.
3,Beauty's bath of red wine
Efficiency: Remove dirt and oil in the pore, it is allergic to promote the blood circulation, activation skin, prevent from.
A, adding right amount of red wine into water bathing, soaks the body for 15- 30 minutes among them, and with body of massage of both hands until whole body generates heat slightly.
B, bath back, must rinse health well with the fresh water completely
Water temperature that bath too high, because nutrient component such as vitamin, fruit in the red wine apt and rotten running off under high temperature. Moreover, after it bath getting more important too very,otherwise will last moisture of skin alcohol that remained in skin, cause the skin to be dry.
4,Offer to man reduce wrinkle red wine facial film specially
Material: One top-grade red wine (propose, choose, install while being mini) , compress the paper of facial film, 1 plastic container.
Method: Put paper of a facial film into plastic container, quench into red wine, clean both hands to open the facial film, apply on the face, feel and take down when the moisture on facial film is half-dried.
Point out:
A, the intersection of itself and irritated person to alcohol had better not use this kind of facial film.
B, the facial film had better use evening, because skin dead skin if goes out and gets sun after dispelling, will accelerate the aging of the skin instead.
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