ABC _ general knowledge of cancer of colon
What inspections should cancer of colon be done?
The blood is regular to show small cellulous anaemia, erythrocyte sedimentation rate increases fast. The stool is positive continuously in occult blood test. The X-ray is shown as barium pharmaceutical is full of defect, the sick intestines wall is stiff, wriggle and weaken or disappear, the bag abnormality of colon, the intestines are narrow or expand. Colon mirror can define pathological change properties, size, even finds early pathological change partlying to check. In addition cancer embryo antigen of serum (CEA) , Ultrasonography B, the intersection of belly and CT check, contribute to, diagnose also.
With what diseases to obscure cancer of colon is easy?
Should be with the inflammation intestines disease, tuberculosis of intestine, colon and polyp disease, when distinguishing.
What diseases can cancer of colon be erupted simultaneously?
Will initiate a series of symptom when tumour develops into certain stage, have especially already caused and obstructed. Including: It is weak, weak, anaemia, it is unidentified for weight of reason, continuation abdominal pain, wicked or blood, stool be changed,etc. to be used toed. Rectal cancer can part infringe bladder, vaginal wall or peripheral nerve, cause the perineum or sacrum to pain, but these symptoms take place in later period.
How should cancer of colon be prevented?
The crowd taking in some vitamins and micro- nutrition in a large amount forms the morbidity of rectal cancer low. Study and point out folic acid, selenium element and have protective action with organic sulphur. Rich in antioxidant ' Such as carrotene, vitamin C) Food protect to verify from tests prospective yet by function.
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