Monday, January 28, 2013

Clinical manifestation _ symptom of tubercle

Clinical manifestation _ symptom of tubercle
Clinical manifestation, tubercle of disease it looks at the pressing or otherwise and amounts to involve organ of disease to be but different. Tubercle is too early to often have obvious symptom and physical sign in the chest. Have, cough sometimes, cough a small amount of the intersection of phlegm and liquid, spit blood on a small quantity while being accidental; There can be weak, generating heat, night sweating, appetite failing, weight to lighten etc.. Can present out of breath, even cyanosis uncomfortable in chest when pathological change is extensive. But because amalgamate infection, pulmonary emphysema, bronchiectasis, original heart disease of the lung,etc. and aggravate the condition. If tubercle involves other organs at the same time, corresponding symptom and physical sign can take place. Such as the most common one of skin being nodular erythema, see more the surface shank, shoulder or four limbs. Also there is a kind of lupus (lupus pernio) of hemorrhoid , macule, papule when. Find lower tubercle of the skin sometimes. It can be caused and depilated to infringe the scalp. Probably about 30% of patients can present the skin damage. The eye sufferer nearly has 15% of the cases, there can be iris cilliary inflammation, acute pigment one layer of inflammation, cornea - conjunctivitis,etc.. Can appear eyes ache, eyesight fuzzy and cilliary congest etc. display. Some patients have liver sum ' Or) Splenomegaly, it is obvious bilirubin increases and rises with alkaline phosphatase slightly, or liver function is damaged. The mediastinal and simple table lymph node is often infringed but swelling. Such as involving joint, skeleton, muscle,etc., there can be occuring frequently small bag ossicle defect of short bone which can be seen four limbs, brothers in multiple arthritis, X-ray examination (bone . It can cause some swelling, pain,etc. that the granulation of muscle is swollen. Nearly 50% of the cases involve the nervous system, his symptom is changeful. Can have the intersection of cranial nerve and paralyse, myopathic taking the intersection of location and the intersection of and the intersection of pathological change, meningitis,etc. and clinical manifestation in the brain nerve. Tubercle disease involve cardiac muscle, can have arrhythmia is even in heart failure to display, nearly 5% of the cases involve the heart. Can also present the pericardium and accumulate the liquid. Tubercle can interfere with the supersession of calcium, cause the blood calcium, urine calcium increases, cause kidney calcium salt depositing and kidney stone. Can cause diabetes insipidus involve pituitary, play, depend on mound can take place milk to be too much to secrete, rise usually with the milk of serum give much trouble. To parotid gland, tonsil, throat, thyroid gland, renal gland, pancreas, stomach, reproductive system when given much trouble, can cause relevant symptoms and physical sign, but relatively rare.


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