The tubercle kidney damages and treats _'s treatment of the principle
The patient that some tubercle kidneys damage can relieve by oneself.
1.Glucocorticoid: Suitable for tubercle and pathological change and develop one, blood calcium, urine calcium increases, obvious raised patient of the angiotensin content of serum.
( 1) Employ the intersection of cortical hormone and the intersection of treatment and disease this continue quality nephritis among the take place, can make the patient's renal function improve rapidly.
( 2) Quality nephritis response therapeutic to cortical hormone dramatic often among the getting swollen granulation, the renal function is not complete and the renal tubule is unusual and can be improved, but there are persons who aggravate after treating.
2.Other immune inhibitors and malicious medicines of cell are only used in the case of glucocorticoid with not good enough therapeutic effect.
3.Forbid vitamin D, wait for, can cause blood calcium, the intersection of urine and medicine that calcium increased.
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