Continue and take place atrial septal defect of pass to close naturally? 's treatment
The closing rate is 87 on the whole that the insula continues and takes place the hole flawed or damaged naturallily. Defect 1.0 Cm 2.27 of healing rate by oneself. Central ASD 23.26 of healing rate by oneself, the vena cava sinus type ASD has not healed naturally. ASD heals age for 7 months - 6 years old naturally, the median is 1.6 years old. ASD that right room increase it heals rate to be 9.46 by oneself, right the intersection of room and normal ASD it heals rate to be 63.64 by oneself. The conclusion is: ASD diameter less than or equal to 1.0 cm, central ASD, right the intersection of room and normal and age increase in 1.0 cm, vena cava sinus ASD, rooms right and in 6 it heals that chance is getting less very naturally to ASD.
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