Monday, March 4, 2013

's prevention and health care that continuing taking place hypertension is not busy taking medicine

's prevention and health care that continuing, taking place hypertension is not busy taking medicine
It is a very terrible wording that blood pressure is high, its bomb when being indefinite just like one, may initiate diseases such as apoplexy,etc. at any time, ones that break out too unexpectedly, even will cause the death. So, have stepped down into the hypertension patient's ultimate goal. However, Deputy Director of BJ Hospital of Ministry of Public Health cardiovascular dept.(internal medicine) Liu DePing shows, choose depressor, or which kind of does it choose at the depressor, have the difference greatly in different situations, for example the intersection of cervical vertebra and disease continues hypertension taken place, some needn't take medicine.
The intersection of cervical vertebra and hypertension that disease initiate, sympathetic nerve excited to cause capillary shrink, cause by shank usually, these belongs to one kind which continues taking place hypertension, need to combine and treat the cervical vertebra disease and stabilizing blood pressure. Liu DePing says, need to take medicine to depend on the situation and if raise blood pressure when feeling pain, belong to more common situation, this not only can be caused by the cervical vertebra disease, other joints pain, after the operation but also pain,etc. will initiate the same health to react, needn't take medicine; If blood pressure raises the situation more serious, can also consider taking some fugitive depressor, such as opening richly and openly etc., it can help the body to lower blood pressure within short time, prevent meeting accident; Generally, for instance wave, in accordance with using less when long-efficiency depressor definitely. Had better solicit the professional doctor's opinion before taking medicines while proposing the patient. In addition no matter what hypertension that reason cause, in life, should insist on less salt, low lipoprotein, low cholesterol diet too, do more physical exercises appropriately, reduce the spiritual pressure, in order to stabilize blood pressure.
In a word, continue sending hypertension to the most important thing is and treat, send disease originally, can reach dept. of orthopedics of the hospital, use the method of the massage, physiotherapy, drawing etc. to treat, could play a role in getting a permanent cure in this way.


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