Monday, March 4, 2013

Then main type _ general knowledge of sending pulmonary tuberculosis

Then main type _ general knowledge of sending pulmonary tuberculosis
Then sending pulmonary tuberculosis means the organism infects pulmonary tuberculosis due to the tubercle bacillus again, see more adults, is also called adult type pulmonary tuberculosis.
1.Pathological change characteristic
( 1) Pathological change begin sharp from the lung more;
( 2) Pathological change is generally confined to the lung, no the book of changes blood one, lymphocytic way are sown scatteredly, it is scattered as the main fact to sow with the bronchus;
( 3) The course of disease is long, pathological change is complicated.
2.Main type
( 1) Office cooking stove type pulmonary tuberculosis. Mostly continue the early pathological change of taking place pulmonary tuberculosis, pathological change often lies in the lung sharp. X-ray examination, sharp department reveals the lung singly or a plurality of tubercle shade with clear realm. Most focuses pass fiber, calcification but recovery from illness. Patient have subjective symptoms often, belong to yuans of first of active tuberculosis.
( 2) Soaking pulmonary tuberculosis. It is the type that then the sending pulmonary tuberculosis top is common. The district, is so also called soaking under the collar-bone under lying more clavicularly in pathological change. There is one kind of necrosis districts of smaller cheese frequently in the middle of the focus, have around around a focus inflammation is chartered and wound. The visible focus of X-ray examination takes the form of fuzzy vaporific shade of cloud of edge. The patient often has symptoms such as low-heat, night sweating, cough, spitting blood,etc., can find the tubercle bacillus in the phlegm. If treat in time, the majority can be absorbed or absorbed partly, turn partly into increasing pathological change of the natural disposition, through fiber, wrapping up, calcification but recovery from illness finally. If patient's immunity is bad or not treated in time, then the focus is expanded, the cheese is discharged and formed the acute cavity by the bronchus after a kind of necrosis liquefaction. The acute cavity wall is thin, different, if treated in time, it is apt to heal; If prolonged to heal, cave wall organize hyperplasia and become because of fiber thick, develop into chronic the intersection of fiber and empty pulmonary tuberculosis gradually then.
( 3) Chronic fibrous cavity type pulmonary tuberculosis. Pathological change characteristic: More than one cavities of heavy wall exist in the lung; See with very medical education network in the side or offside lung that sows the scattered focus by the bronchus, differ while being old while being new, of uniform size, position the more next pathological change the fresher. Unless communicate with bronchus because cavity, it become the infections of tuberculosis source,so type have the title of open pulmonary tuberculosis; If a kind of necrosis of cheese of the cavity wall relatively corrodes the trunk, can cause big hemoptysis, the serious one jeopardizes the life; The serious destruction that originally type has lungs to organize, can cause the lung to organize the extensive fiber, form the artery high pressure of lung, cause original heart disease of the lung.
( 4) A kind of pneumonia of cheese. Organism immunity appears extremely badly and when the allergy is too strong. Pathological change is exudative pathological change and cheese and a kind of necrosis. Can form most acute cavities after the liquefaction of necrosis. The patient often has serious whole body poisoning symptom, the prognosis is very bad, one type has been already rare at present.
( 5) Tuberculosis ball. It is one kind of necrosis cooking stoves of cheese of the isolated, fibrous parcel, it is relatively resting pathological change that the diameter is greater than 2 cm., but have danger of worsening potentially, so have clinically and adopt the operation to excise more.
( 6) Tuberculosis pleurisy. Exudative tuberculosis pleurisy: It is mainly a slurry to ooze out things, quantity can cause the thorax to accumulate the liquid a long time. Increase tuberculosis pleurisy of the natural disposition: Rely mainly on increasing pathological change of the natural disposition, there can be cellulose to ooze out, the fiber takes place more in pathological change, enable pleura adhesion, increase thick.


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