Saturday, March 16, 2013

Vitamin B1_ vitamin

Vitamin B1_ vitamin

B1 is vitamin which people purified initially, Ike, scientist of Kingdom of the Netherlands, found gracefully at first in 1896, drew and purified from the rice bran for Polish chemist Vonk in 1910. It is white powder, apt to be soluble in water, it is apt to decompose to meet alkali. Its physiological function can be increased
Can promote the appetite, maintain normal activity of nerve,etc., lacking it causes vitamin B1 deficiency, neurodermatitis,etc.. The adult needs to take in 2mg every day. It exists in food such as rice bran, egg yolk, milk, tomato extensively, can already be by the artificial synthesis at present. Because contain sulphur and amino in its molecule, so it is plain to call thiamine, is also called and resisted vitamin B1 deficiency vitamin. It mainly exists in seed crust and plumule, the content is the most abundant in food such as rice bran, wheat bran, soya bean, yeast, red meat, in addition, the son is rich in vitamin B1 before Chinese cabbage, celery and traditional Chinese medicine wind-proof, car. Vitamin B1 hydrochloric acid salt drawn is brilliant for monocline slice; Vitamin B1 nitrate is three colourless oblique crystal, there is no hygroscopicity. Vitamin B1 is apt to be soluble in water, can be up to a large amount of loss of water while the food washes, B1 mainly exists in the soup in the dish after heating. Dish careful processing, cooking to or makes the tinned food, vitamins will be lost or destroyed in a large amount. The intersection of vitamin and B1 heat extremely easy to destroy in alkaline solution, but to hot and steady in acid solution. Oxidant and reducing agent can also make it lose function. The intersection of vitamin and B1 change into, take off the intersection of hydrogen and plain thiamine after oxidizing ' Also called sulphur pigment) ,The latter can appear blue fluoro, use this characteristic can gauge vitamin B1 and quantification under ultraviolet ray. Vitamin B1 is changed into plain pyrophosphate of thiamine in the body ' Also called complementing the carboxylase) ,Participate in the candy in the internal supersession. So when vitamin B1 is scarce, oxidizing in organizing of candy is influenced. It has function of inhibiting the esterase activity of choline, activity of this enzyme is too high while lacking vitamin B1, acetyl choline ( One of the neurotransmissions) Destroying in a large amount makes nerve transmission influenced, can cause the intestines and stomach to wriggle slowly, secrete the digestive tract, reduce, obstacles such as losing the appetite, indigestion,etc..



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