Vitamin A, help you to drive _'s treatment of gastric ulcer away
Gastric ulcer one between twenty and fifty common disease, in the past with resist sour pharmaceutical, treat, has made certain curative effect, nowadays find, if is taking the simultaneous cooperation which is made sour pharmaceutical and taking some vitamin A, then the result is better.
According to studying, use resisting impractical pharmaceutical, 18 patients of group B, except use and resisting impractical pharmaceutical of group A to 16 patients of group A, add and use oral vitamin A, 3 times for one day, the Wan 's 5, lasts 4 weeks to treat each time. In order to have an accurate contrast, before and after treating, each patient used gastrocopy and measured the ulcer area. Group A had 3rd people ulcer that all healed finally, took 19; B Group have 7 people heal, take 39, B the intersection of group and curative effect higher than A group notably. To narrowing the situation to compare with ulcer, it is 1 5 4 that the ulcer area is treating former group A. 9 2 2. Square 5 millimetre, group B is 1 5 5. Millimetre of 5 square of 6 , group A reduces to millimetre of 8 square of 49 after treating. B The group is millimetre of 5 square of 22 , the two difference is very different, the above proves vitamin A has obvious prevention and function of treating gastric ulcer.
Vitamin A whether one mankind grow nutrients needed, it has physiological functions in many aspects. In Chao Liang, of our country the intersection of well-known doctor and pottery enlarge scene, realize ox liver have function that makes eyes bright promptly, he has acted on ox's liver of rabbit's liver and managed the dark record of eye in " the well-known doctor has not recorded ". Vitamin A has function of normal function of leather cell at keeping, if lack vitamin A, a lot of diseases will take place, such as the cornea softens disease, pyelonephritis, cystitis, pneumonia, colitis, cholecystitis,etc., self-evident, the leather normal machine can also relate to vitamin A on the mucous membrane of stomach.
Someone thinks gastric ulcer is pathological change before a kind of cancer. It is reported, it has prominent relations that the level of vitamin A reduces the emergence with lung, bladder, skin carcinoma in the blood, so, vitamin A may play a certain role in the course of preventing gastric ulcer and cancerating.
In the animal food such as liver, meat, eggs and milk, the content of vitamin A is very abundant, does not include vitamin A in the plant food, but include carrotene, after the human body takes in, turn into vitamin A in the liver, vegetables fruit such as carrot, celery, tomato, three-coloured amaranth, peach, persimmon,etc. includes abundant carrotene. Often eat the food, supplement vitamin A in a steady stream, can undoubtedly play and prevent disease on sanitary function.
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