Count the 9th great health of women accurately " The soft rib " women's health care
Man and women are having difference greatly physiologically or psychologically, man and woman all have its own health problems, the response of the medicine is different to some extent too. So the same disease needs treating for men and women with a certain discrimination, making a diagnosis and giving treatment, especially women want special concern to one's own soft rib of health even more.
1,Big rise and big fall of immunity
Woman's control to one's own immune system is what the man can't reach. Why woman's immunity of the internal germ for invading is so powerful, when it is pregnant but arrived, the fragility that will be which become incredible, this is still a mystery so far. Because the big rise and big fall of woman's one's own immunity, she suffers from disease such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis more easily, these are that the immune system produced the result of the antibody to the internal health tissue.
2,The heart is ill more fatal
Generally speaking heart disease as such as angina pectoris is mainly man's disease apt to suffer from. But seems more serious once the woman gets heart disease. Once discomfort of its heart, are often short of breath, the body is exhausted and the chin pain etc., and these symptoms must all last several hours, can pass by in several minutes. This one the intersection of climacteric and common phenomenon, because woman female hormone is reduced in the body at this moment, it protects the function and relatively weakens too.
3,Gynecological cancer is prevented early
Medical treatment has measured and already reduced women to suffer from uterus cancer, ovarian cancer and probability of cervical cancer greatly with the development in the past 50 years of substitute's treatment of hormone, the extensive application of contraceptive and hormone substitute's treatment has reduced the incidence of ovarian cancer and uterus cancer greatly. Recent research shows, the diet of the low fat can prevent cervical cancer more effectively.
4,Take care the ligament is injured
Modern society, the woman who participates in all kinds of sports activities is getting more and more. The orthopaedic surgeon reminds women, don't carefully be injured. Compared with man, the woman is strained the ligament of the knee joint more easily in sports, moreover, once the ligament is strained, cure till taking several months. The doctor thinks this may relate to woman's spacious hip, the effort making the knee joint ligament larger compared with the man, also the possible woman's ligament is innately much more fragile than the man.
5,Metabolism is relatively slow
Compared with the man, woman's metabolism of some materials is relatively slow too. For example: Alcohol, the woman capacity for liquor is generally younger than that of the man. Because decomposition ability to alcohol of woman's liver is weak, and slow, so that is too generous to dissolve in blood by the alcohol decomposing; Aspirin, analgesic this need, delayed in a long time, could produce utility in the body in woman; The medicine amount while taking antidepressants of the woman of oral contraceptive may need a little smaller, because contraceptive will make the internal tricyclics content value remain high.
6,Apt to suffer from depressed and dull-witted
The woman is apter to suffer from depression than the man, this is mainly in physiological causes greater in pressure born because of the woman. The woman if has not carried on the hormone substitute's treatment after entering climacteric, it is older than the man of the same age that it suffers from dull-witted possibility. The evidence reveals, the response to chemical material in hormone and brain of amphiphilic brains of men and women has nothing in common with each other.
Serum produced is plain is that one kind is controlled by female hormone to turn into in woman's body, influence chemical material of mood, little than man, woman to more sensitive, more strong responses that serum change usually.
7,Breast carcinoma is sifted, checked that can't exempt
The study on breast carcinoma is mainly to concentrate on how to prevent in early days nowadays. Studies have suggested, if the woman lives to the age of 70, its possibility to suffer from breast carcinoma is up to 56%. Constant promotion studying with surgical treatment, drug therapy, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, optimizing, the method to solve breast carcinoma changes with each passing day too, increase constantly.
8,The digestive system is apt to fall ill
Even if the men and women eat the food as quantity, time when women must be much more than the man spend digests it. The woman is apt to suffer from chronic constipation and intestines disease, its probability is the man's triple and twice respectively. Such a difference obviously begins with and chews. Preliminary research indicates, the woman's saliva is different from the man on chemical composition, the course that this point may make the food digest in woman's body seems slow and time-consuming.
9,The pain sense is more fierce
A lot of research reports all point out, the pain sense that the woman stands comes more fiercely than that of the man, and is more frequent. It means esthesia strength and decay degree keenlied feel to pain of two sexes are different. A study on dentistry patient verifies, more obvious than the man like hard one kind of drug effect on woman of analgesic of thiazole of fifth, but but woman's response to non- steroids antiinflammatory agent like fragrant and such cloth Lip river is not so sensitive as the man.
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