Saturday, January 19, 2013

Therapeutic _'s treatment of cancer of colon punch

Therapeutic _'s treatment of cancer of colon punch
It is cancer of colon and 2nd common and dangerous complication that colon erupts simultaneously and forms intestinal perforation, second only to cancer of colon and obstruct. The incidence is 5.99% to punch. Large intestine cancer erupts simultaneously and punches, any position can happen, it is the highest by half a colon of left, transverse colon liver song and spleen song are the lowest.
First, type of punching
There are three kinds of types:
1.Acute to punch: Namely dissociate and punch, common, because carry cancer of colon and obstruct far, cause the near end to expand and produce excrement ulcer and punch, cause serious excrement peritonitis;
2.The subnormal temperature punches: Leak excrement and urine form abscess or inflammation lump, the most common situation;
3.Chronic to punch: Cancer of colon and neighbouring organ adhesion, it causes various colon Lou to cause chronically to punch.
Second, treat
1.The treatment of the acute perforated peritonitis: Cancer peritonitis due to intestinal perforation of knot, punch time is short, prepare within 3- 4 hours actively before the skill of short time, should strive for conduct tumour and excision of the cooking stove of punching. If the patient has critical condition, with shock after the abdominal cavity is seriously polluted or will punch, can't it tolerates to be relatively major operation person, competent issue build mouth, abdominal cavity guide, the intersection of 2 stage and tumour excise anastomosis.
2.The treatment that cancer of colon and perforated abscess form: Half right colon and near end form due to intestinal perforation the intersection of abscess and competent issues of tumour, it excises identical to be feasible sideways, carry the transverse colon and abscess due to left half hitch intestinal perforation and should choose Hartman' s operation first far, if the patient is poisoned symptom heavily. In order to guide abscess first then 2 stage tumour is excised identically.
3.The treatment of Lou in cancer of colon: Because of this kind cancer of colon punch have acute clinical course, needn't the intersection of acute disease and operation punish generally, should choose date for operation before the sufficient skill under the preparation, strive for one and radically treat the skill or tumour and excise the skill.


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