Give to men and fill out the fault form _'s love time of a love
In our QQ group I am and famous resentment women at the end at the end, we both are the main force when the one that seemed to participate in discussing the family members of every home each time is not, look, I have quarrelled with the boyfriend also, and last line seems to be complaining about her husband at the end. I say not so good as, turn on a fault list to husband by all we, we see too how very grave they are really sin. We it angry with husbands to be pieces of thing always, injure body say, angry to solve the problem first. There is this list we can make sure to know what's what in the heart, each question is tracked down one by one, we must try to find oneself an outlet and route to solve problem.
Because I was just angry after finishing growing with the boyfriend, in a fit of anger, packed his fault in the brain. Then I afford to worry very much? " Really can list get 100 and a half piece of, then as say good-bye at once, I am thinking so. Think better of another think we solve problem like this, continuing to fight, then discuss with the end of the end, " if our relatives have been listed the same fault, then remove this fault, explain men
People are all this pair of moral characters, can not change, we should accept one's fate. "
The hands of the end of last line are quicker, have already listed several " crimes " of her husband's if neat and quick : 1.Have never done house work at home, has call it by the fine-sounding name of this is a mainly other woman of a man mainly insided. 2.Can not cook by oneself, but the meal that always hates me cooking is not delicious. 3.It is dilatory to do things. (For example ask him have a bath, 1 or long and willing to stand up from sofa in hour at he can tow. )4.Do not care that does not show consideration for the wife, has not put dear wife first. 5.Do not say if the wife likes listening to to the wife, say specially the wife does not like hearing. (for example often chat about some unit little beautiful girl) I give carry on simple analysis will it be the end the end, article 1 unanimous with the intersection of article 2 and attribute, can be come down to the same one, article 4 and article 5 is the causality, so can be regarded as one too. Article 3 very prominent fault, boyfriend of I, too, for example, we make an appointment, go out, play with the next morning evening before that day, he usually wants me to wait until that set out 12 o'clock at noon. So, according to " amalgamate the like one " Rule regard as so,husband of the end such as the end at present three fault.
I begin to make the list for him too: 1. See girlfriend's movements slow, see good friend's spirit hundredfold. 2.One's own socks have never been washed, has let the Mummy wash for him. 3.Can ask degree of questions ask one hundred take, ask girlfriend never, once answer and have and leap up and leave jumping wrong. (For example I have meant the way by mistake for him in appointment of today, are not there maps on one hundred degrees? )4.The girlfriend must finish listening to his long theory while quarrelling, if does not want to hear and turn one's head and go away midway, drag back and continue finishing hearing. The analysis that the end of the end gives to me is: Article 1 has already been repeated with his article 3, can remove. Article 2 will be developed into first two of hers when developing again, so should remove too. Following two just remind her, this is that she wants to write that came out too. Seeing suddenly in this way, my boyfriend was still " a shortcoming " at present .
I record our chat copies to belong to another one at this time " Blame women " Friend watch,say she yours these is nothing, have husband of me all, your capital " Amalgamate the like one " (indicating a suggestion, a request or a mild command)! But still very uneven in I and heart of the end at the end at this moment, why discuss in group it is always we two that is complaining? We famous the intersection of resentment and woman, and Gege and west west it seems to be famous " Five-Virtues Family " ,Have never heard them complaining about one's own husband. In order to find the equalization point, we two are forcing Gege's one's own honest husband's shortcoming, it even if not say one that the half string,we can equilibrium, much. Bomb, has to down Gege honest the intersection of she and shortcoming of husband by turns in us: Smoke, play games. Though these two are nothing in eyes of one grade of resentment woman of we two's ash, but found the equalization point greatly, it seems the husband is not perfect. But west the west cooperate very much, she say finish watching, think, should give her husband, add two dishes evening after the dialogue of us two.
We two it enumerates a lot of of relative to be that " amalgamate similar one " until a lot of people watch unfortunately one by one later on ,there are still" the relatives outstanding" in the husbands of boyfriend, the end the end on so the I one up till now . Unless it make people even more annoying, finish watching persons another by article 4 of me, it is the end husband the end too with at the time of shortcoming that be had, say unexpectedly, " the man though angry people, a very lovely one, quarrel, can find out he come on by lovely side unexpectedly. " Which of this is still a fault list, enumerating them so unexpectedly become exemplary relativeses, so we be angry really,but cherish. Please make a fault list for him too when being angry, may in this way not be angry.
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