Continue atrial septal defect of hair pass and sum up _'s general knowledge
It is the most common congenital heart disease to continue and take place atrial septal defect of pass, 10- 15% of worry that nearly take the lead. Men and women's ratio is 1: 2.
Pathology of cause of disease
Because normal Left deviation, have the intersection of pressure and bad steps between the atrium dextrum, left oxygen of room shut blood, divide, flow to right room by defect, the blood flow volume of the systemic circulation is reduced, can cause infant's development to be slow, it is sure to limit that the physical exertion is received, some patients can also not have obvious symptoms. Oxygen shut blood enter lung, can cause the intersection of lung and the intersection of membrane and hyperplasia and the intersection of middle level and pathological change such as being plump under little blood vessel circulate, cause lung arterial pressure and lung blood vessel resistance to rise, but its process is relatively slow, appear in adult's patient more.
Clinical manifestation
Palpitation after the activity, breathing hard, tired is the most common symptom. But some children can not have obvious symptoms. See more adult patients in room disorder of rhythm of the heart. If there are persons who cause right to shunt left under high pressure of serious lung artery, present cyanosis. Physical sign: Brestbone left predestination 2, intervals of rib 3 can hear drying kinds of the intersection of systolic phase and noise soft, the noise flows through a hole of lung artery to produce because of the lung blood flow of increasing. The second sound of a district of lung artery is hyperfunction and splits.
Test the inspection
Electrocardiogram: The right of electric axle leans towards, bunches of block of right or right room is plump.
Chest X-ray: The lung line increases, the right room, right room increase, lung artery is a section of puff, the aorta forms smaller.
The interesting Fig. of the supersound: Right room, the right room are increased, it is wide that the lung artery internal diameter is increased. Some echoes of insula are taken off and lost.
The right heart conduit is checked: The oxygen content of average blood of atrium dextrum is higher than volume % of the blood oxygen content 1.9 on average of the up and down vena cava. There can be rising at various degrees in the lung arterial pressure.
Atrial septal defect is diagnosed and established, the electrocardiogram, chest slice reveal the heart changes. Right heart conduit check the intersection of lung and blood flow volume, greater than systemic circulation the intersection of flow and 1- 1.5, even if the infant does not have obvious symptom should perform the operation treatment.
The operation should go on under circulating outside the body, split the centre of brestbone to cut-out through being vertical, after opening the pericardium, walk outside the heart and ascertain whether there are left superior vena cava and malposition pulmonary vein that are guided. Defect is relatively small, have chance with and can sew up directly all around. To open one's mouth, separate amalgamating the intersection of pulmonary vein and the intersection of malposition and drainage, employing, mending block, mending defect and making lung that malposition guide quiet to open one's mouth, separate defects.
The prognosis is prevented
Has continued the surgical treatment taking place hole atrial septal defect and already made good curative effect, the future trouble of the skill grows normal, can be engaged in normal work or physical labor. The mortality of operation is dropped to under 1%.
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