Sunday, March 3, 2013

Then sending lung artery high-pressure clinical manifestation _ symptom

Then sending lung artery high-pressure clinical manifestation _ symptom

Clinical manifestation
1.Symptom: It is early to usually have no symptom or take clinical manifestation of basic disease such as chronic bronchitis, COPD,etc. as the core, feel uncomfortable only while moving about vigorously; With the rising of the artery pressure of lung, take manifestation not complete of the right heart function as the core in later period, can present whole body symptom such as being tired, unable gradually. Have difficulty in breathing: Symptom regard having difficulty in breathing after the activity as, first publish in most patient, and heart person who discharge reduce and lung keep in touch with the intersection of blood flow and factor such as being imbalance have something to do. The chest aches: Because right heart after-load increases, oxygen consumption increases and it cause the cardiac muscle to be ischemic that the right coronary artery blood supply is reduced etc., often in the activity or emergence when being excited. Dizzy or faint: Because the discharging amount of heart is reduced, the brain organizes the blood supply to reduce suddenly. Often appear while moving about, can happen too while having a rest sometimes. Spit blood: Quantity usually less, can big hemoptysis and death too sometimes. 10% of the patients present Renaud's phenomenon, it causes the sound to be hoarse that the lung artery increased oppresses the recurrent laryngeal nerve.

2.Physical sign: Physical sign relates to the fact that artery high pressure of lung and right ventricle load increase.



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