Then sending high-pressure _'s general knowledge of lung artery
Then the sending artery high pressure of lungLung artery high pressure to build main the intersection of pathology and lung blood vessel that change into, increase natural disposition disease again with the intersection of lung and blood vessel, it is primary and continuing taking place two kinds to divide into, it is 2- 5 life cycle, it is important measures which improves patient's prognosis to diagnose and treat and intervene in early days, continuing the taking place artery high pressure of lung far has more common high pressure than the primary lung artery, its basic disease is often for heart and breathing disease.
Any main part of the respiratory system such as angry way, lung essence, thoracic cage and neural muscle pathological change, can all cause the artery high pressure of lung.
First, obstructifth angry way disease Chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD) Cause the intersection of lung and the intersection of artery and high pressure and the intersection of lung and source the intersection of heart disease and most common reason.
Second, substantive disease of the lung Can be divided into quality disease among the alveolus, lung
1.The intersection of the intersection of alveolus and illness and lung edema, acute to breathe poverty-stricken syndrome to erupt the artery high pressure of lung simultaneously often, the artery high pressure of this kind of lung is often controlled and dropped with the condition, does not need special treatment.
2.Among lung quality disease such as among quality lung disease, tubercle disease, pneumoconiosis,etc.,last hypoxemia disease because of disperse function obstacle, the inflammatory factor accumulates the lung arteriolarly at the same time, make the blood vessel resistance of lung increase and form the artery high pressure of lung.
Third, the blood vessel sick lung thrombus thromboembolism of the lung is that vascular pathological change of the lung produced the most common reason of high pressure of the lung artery, and have hair thin hemangioma, pulmonary vein that stop up disease etc. as to rare disease. In addition have the intersection of lung and blood vessel, whole body of disease damage still, such as collagenic blood vessel ill, etc.
It is that an alveolus is kept in touch with to breathe the physiological characteristic of pathology of controlling unusual and thoracic disease to be common in fourth, neural muscle pathological change insufficiently, cause hypoxemia disease and high carbonic acid blood disease, often erupt the respiratory tract simultaneously to infect repeatedly, making the lung arteriolar presents the organic and functional change, produce the artery high pressure of lung. Neural muscle illness such as for instance thoracic deformity, Ji Lan - Palestinian thunder syndrome, paralysis poliomyelitis.
Continue the early clinical manifestation of the taking place artery high pressure of lung and take clinical manifestation of basic disease such as chronic bronchitis, chronic obstructive lung disease,etc. as the core, take clinical manifestation in right heart function such as chronic bronchitis, chronic obstructive lung disease,etc. as the core in later period, take manifestation not complete of the right heart function as the core in later period. Rely mainly on treating basic disease on treating, the artery high pressure of lung can be controlled with improvement of the basic disease under most situations.
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