Vitamin B3 (nicotinic acid) Explain in detail
Efficiency It is the energy (the food of energy) Make, brain moving and skin is healthy (healthy food) Nutriment needed. Can help blood glucose of the equilibrium (the food of blood glucose) And the level reduces the cholesterol density. Can also be used in inflammation and digest (digest the food) Treatment of the question.Scarce symptom energy is scarce, diarrhoea, insomnia, have a headache or migraine headache, the intersection of memory and not good enough, anxious or nervous, depressed, irascible, bleed or the intersection of gingivae and irritation, analeptic and eczema dermatitis.ConsumptionRecommend the appetite of taking the photograph in Japan Children (children's food) 5- 10 milligrams of adults 13- 17 milligramsPropose the intaking amount of best nutriment Children are 25 milligrams of adults 25- 30 milligramsTreat consumption Children 25- 50 milligrams of adults 50- 150 milligramsIt does not have any poisoning record to take the dosage yet without exceeding 3000 milligrams that poisoned.The best food source Pester ' 4 milligrams) , tuna ( 12.9 milligrams) , chicken( 8.2 milligrams) , dog salmon ( 7.0 milligrams) , asparagus ( 1.11 milligrams) , cabbage ( 0.3 milligrams) , sheep meat ( 4.18 milligrams) , mackerel ( 8.0 milligrams) , turkey meat ( 8.5 milligrams) , tomato ( 0.7 milligrams) Little pickled cucumbers and French gourd ' 0.54 milligrams) , colored the intersection of coconut palm and Lay ' 0.6 milligrams) And all wheat ' 4.33 milligrams)The best to augment pharmaceuticals Nicotinic acid ( May cause the flush response) And niacinamide.Contribute to the material that is absorbed With other vitamins (the food of vitamin) B synthetic and chromium act on together. You had better take when having meal.
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