It is very unable that it causes the body to lack vitamins
Recently, uncle Li has felt that walks, the foot is as stepping on cotton. Reach hospital check, find, lack the intersection of vitamin and what B12 lead to the fact in the body.
Uncle Li narrates and says, while going out and taking the bus in the daytime, the car changes speed or changes direction, his body is not dilapidated obediently, it is difficult to keep the equilibrium. But in addition, he can eat and can sleep, seems to have no trouble. Uncle Li reaches the western chinese hospital of Nanjing (Zhong Mount hospital) Do the detailed inspection. After CT result comes out, doctors have got rid of organic disease of uncle Li's brain, check the content of vitamin B12 is about 1/3 more than the ordinary person in the liquid of bleeding, make a definite diagnosis of it as vitamin B12 deficiency disease finally.
This Ju Juan, head of the department of internal medicine of institute, says, vitamin B12 scarce incidence will generally increase and increase with age. The common reason why vitamin B12 lacks has stomaches, intestines problem, partial to a limited variety of food, particular about food (include some vegetarians) , the intersection of person who is addicted to drink and stomach vitamin that intestines problem cause B12 scarce for a long time: There are data that reveal, 10%- 30% of the old persons absorb vitamin B12 badly.
Director Ju proposes, persons who lacks B12 of vitamin can eat some more red meat, fish, egg, dairy products, laver, pumpkin,etc. appropriately. Especially need to remind everybody, old man, vegetarian diet and the person not eating egg and milk product must supplement vitamin B12; If you often treat with courtesy and drink in a large amount, it is very important to supplement vitamin B12; It is very beneficial to supplement vitamin B12 before menstrual period or period; Pregnant woman and women breast-feeding their children should supplement.
" the stomach is empty, all things are all empty " ,This sentence says the importance of the diet, with the constant improvement of life quality, eat, feed oneself so getting simple, eat anything, how it wipes out to be what people care.The diet wanting science to be rational please enter:Diet channelThe editor recommends:The white sugar because have mite's worms while turning yellow for a long time to put?
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