Saturday, May 4, 2013

The lack of water lacks the oil and moistens skin the only effective means _ moistens skin

The lack of water lacks the oil and moistens skin the only effective means _ moistens skin
Want to remove ldquo; Oil field MMrdquo; Envelope number,following to study at once for content. Regulated from inside to outside, let you have no chance with the oil from then on!
The dry type oily skin is the skin that a kind of oil much water lacks. Because oily skin care improper, clean and excessive and careless to moisten skin, cause. The dry wasteland of skin surface is coarse, but reality is greasy; The pore is thick, skin quality irregularity.
Skin long acne, surface blister because of much oil, it is apt to grow tiny wrinkles because of lacking water, it is one kind of more difficult treatment. Should strengthen and clean this kind of skin to attend to, remove oil and dirt in the pore depths, should pay attention to moistening skin at the same time, offer skin a large amount of moisture. The nursing one's health of this kind of skin combines while needing with, improve uneven state of water oil all-roundly, do not want to make small ldquo throughout the year; Oil rdquo; You of the thing begin to take action quickly!
It is the most positive and most automatic style pattern in a skin care step to moisten skin and prevent suntan, but perhaps you will discover that has no doubt used the product of moistening skin a lot on the face, still feel that did, tightly, get up, make a self-criticism primarily the intersection of you and skin do astringent source, want, see to moisten skin you product can moisten skin really secondly!
The skin does not reply water tenderly, you might as well test the bottom without the demand mending water
Lack water or little oil?
By autumn, everybody's skins might as well all have dry states, but the source inside only differs widely! Lack little oil as before of water? This will be spoken of from state and function of the skin! Our skin will excrete two kinds of materials naturally: Oil --Excreted by the sebaceous gland; Water --Excreted by the sweat gland. The oil that water and sebaceous gland that the sweat gland excretes excrete is mixed with in the skin peel, cause one to treasure treasuring the membrane weakly and acidly of the function, the excretion of water and oil is balanced, have determined this quality of treasuring membrane.
Daily the intersection of skin and water content of cell, up to 70% in the intersection of base and ground floor, most outer cuticle but only 15%, if what assist skin augment moisture right away seem very much main.



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