Monday, March 18, 2013

Vitamin C is not that the macrobiotic fairy is red

Vitamin C is not that the macrobiotic fairy is red
A lot of friends often take vitamins and augment pharmaceuticals at one's side. Ever a professor has said, she takes for already several decades for 10000 units of vitamin A, there is not any bad reaction. There are more people who take vitamin C, mostly dosage of 300 milligram too.
However, some recent scientific reports, the interest of letting people take vitamin begins to give a great discount. Two those related to more than 50,000 people revealed at the end of 2008 discover for a long time, vitamin C and E, and selenium additive, will not reduce the risk of suffering from prostate cancer, intestinal cancer, bladder cancer or pancreas cancer, have not made the heart healthier either. Even, after taking additive, have slight improvement to suffer from the risk of prostate cancer and diabetes.
It seems to a great extent, vitamin pills are not what prevent the miraculous cure of old and feeble and disease. Take them, make people feel that love the health oneself, look after the body and can act as the bearing. However, they can't substitute the healthy diet at all.
That is to say, get 300 milligrams of vitamin C through eating vegetables and fruit, its result of health is quite enormous; However, do not eat vegetables and fruit and only take 300 milligrams of vitamin C scene, how very doubtful the result is. The health care composition in the food is comprehensive, they interact with various food compositions, protect each other, could give full play to the result. Had better obey with food while having a dinner too while taking vitamins because of this reason.
There is no shortcut to treasure the health, do not have a miraculous cure to prevent disease. The rare one is to adhere to the healthy life style throughout the year. If daily life confused, the intersection of diet and section, depend on, take vitamin only, I'm afraid, can not reach healthy state.
New Year just passed, a lot of people will say with feeling oneself was a year old older. Obsessed with wild ideas this year 40 next years 18, only change the wrong life style, 38 40 next years of this year, the goal that can be realized.
The editor recommends:Where does the Vitamin E come from


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