Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Relieve 12 uncomfortable methods

Relieve 12 uncomfortable methods
First, if your throat itches, scratch your ears The nerve that in ears is stimulated, will cause the reflex of the throat, cause convulsion of muscle, this kind of convulsion will be relieved and itched. Second, experience the ultrasonic sense of hearing The right ear is good at listening to the talk of quick rhythm than the left ear, and the left ear is good at listening to the melody of the music. Third, overcome your primitive impulse Want to go to the toilet, are not there toilets nearby? Then please imagine your favorite girl, having one's mind stuffed with illusion will let you better than clicking. Fourth, imperceptible pains German researcher finds that coughing while having an injection can lighten the agony that the syringe needle bring. This small knack will be caused in the unexpected temporary chest and the pressure rise in the backbone, thus inhibit pain of the backbone from conducting the tissue. Fifth, let your nose be unobstructed One is simple, fast, and cheap relieving the pressure way of nasal sinus is to push and shove the buccal top with the tongue frequently, then press your glabella with a finger. Sixth, play to the ill Afraid the chicken wing in the evening flies out from the stomach? Face and lie on the left side and sleep! Studies have suggested person slept to lie on the left side relatively little the intersection of gastric acid and possibility of bitterness flowed to return to. Because the gullet is connected with the stomach with certain angle, when you lie on one's side right, the stomach is higher than the gullet, will let the gastric acid flow into the throat. And while lying on the left side, the stomach is lower than the gullet, so the gravity is useful to you. Seventh, can cure you and have a toothache without opening one's mouth You need, rub, take a ice at tiger's mouth only. Compared with needing the ice, this kind of method can reduce the pain sense of 50%. Tiger's mouth nerve of will stimulate area a certain of brain, thus prevent face and pain signal that hand transmit from. Eighth, burnt and disappear As you burn the finger because of carelessness, clean the skin and is used as the injured palm and press injury gently immediately, then the ice applies. The ice-cubes will lighten your pain rapidly. Such natural method can make the skin which you burnt return to the normal temperature, make skin to be apt to blow blister. Ninth, let the world stop rotating Drink too much, feel dizzy? Please support hands on the firm object. The sense of touch that the stability object came gave the brain two judgements, let you have a equilibrium sense even more. Tenth, wake up " The ones that die " Body If you have numb both hands while driving or sitting for a long time with the strange posture, head which invites and rolls you. This can not have numb sense of dispersing you painfully at all within one minute 11th, arrest blood with a finger Clutch the nose and faces upward the head is a good method to stop epistaxis, if you do not mind being choked by one's own positive Model O blood. A more civilized method is: Fill in the gingivae on you in some cotton, just behind your philtrum, then press it hard. Most bleed front part from diaphragm ' Cartilage wall separating the nose) ,So pressing the philtrum can help to arrest blood. 12th, let your heart keep calm Are the ones that are attempting to put down the first appointment tense and uneasy? Breathe down to your thumb, this will make your heart rate return to normal. The nervus vagus be able to control the heart rate by breathing.
Relieve Uncomfortable Method


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