Careful in menstrual period to do three things
Period is a peculiar physiological phenomenon of women, needn't be tense and worrying. But the important change has taken place in the internal milieu at this moment, some things should be careful to do even prohibit doing. Have tooth pulled out if your sick tooth needs pulling out, do remember to avoid menstrual period, otherwise, a kind of oral cavity disease which is named the dry trough disease will entangle you. This kind of disease behaves: 3 after having tooth pulled out? 4 days, the ear shank presents pain of continuation, can radiate to half a side women's head-ornaments department, some enlargement of lymph nodes, low fever, whole body uncomfortable dropping, opening one's mouth difficulty, the intersection of tooth and the intersection of trough and nest congeal the intersection of clot and dissolve, the intersection of alveolar bone and exposing and necrosis,etc. by appetite. Doctor of stomatology department statistics show, suffer from the woman patient of the dry trough disease, about 60% are " seed of trouble " having tooth pulled out in menstrual period and planting . Why have this kind of evil consequence to have tooth pulled out in menstrual period? Originally, women's forebody activator with original fibrinolysis in the saliva in menstrual period increased, reach the maximum, when keeping in touch with the saliva in wound surface after having tooth pulled out, congeal the clot to destroy too early, happen person who compensate bleed and influence, heal, in addition, bacterium seize the opportunity, invade, lead to the fact, take place at the intersection of trough and disease. Gonad hormone of menstrual period is secreted and changed to sing, the secretion of vocal cord increases or congests, edema, cause the voice to change, the sound becomes stuffy and dark, dry or hoarse, even the crack appears, the tone is variable and low and diminishing, one sound of difficulties arises, it is apt to be tired that speak. Sing heartily at this moment, often can cause the intersection of vocal cord and overtired, evil consequence of bleeding etc. under the mucous membrane, heavy can aphonia,take words out of the mouth. So, women can't sing heartily at the top of one's voice in menstrual period, it is too long to pronounce time hurriedly, in order to protect your vocal organs well. Can sports carry on the sports activity in menstrual period? The sports medical science expert's view is: Women with normal every health, period, not only can but also should do exercises, contribute to the equilibrium of the nervous system, help the shrink of blood circulation, abdominal muscle, pelvis skin and relax, arrange and set out smoothly by the blood. However, should see another side, that change that is the gonad must influence the immune system, energy, physical power, resistance against diseases reduce, so unsuitable to engaged in such as jog, jump, swim, throw, spike, shoulder the intersection of weight and relatively loud sport at a long distance, there are persons who sends disease of well such as spitting blood, asthma, arthralgia,etc. in menstrual period, had better suspend sports. Select from and select from " medical popular science "
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