How is an pain avoided the breast is bloated in menstrual period?
First, change the eating habit. Adopt the high and fine diet of low lipoprotein, edible cereal (the whole wheat) , the fibers of vegetables and beans.
Second, often massage the breast. Massage the breast gently, can make the excessive one humoral and get back to the lymphocytic system again. At the time of massage, apply the liquid of soap on the breast first, rotate the finger along the surface of breast, about one coin size round. Then press and play the breast with hands, this has great advantage on preventing breast discomfort.
Third, wear the firm bra. The bra is besides preventing the breast from being flagging, more important function is to prevent the breast nerve already oppressed from being further oppressed, it is uncomfortable to dispel. Careful sisters will find, those jog is reason of this health care if athletes wear the firm bra.
Fourth, avoid diuretic. Diuretic really contributes to discharging the internal liquid, can cut down swelling of the breast too. But this kind of relieving needing to pay a price immediately. Excessively use the electrolytic equilibrium between loss, destruction that diuretic will cause potassium, and influence the forming of glucose.
Fifth, no the food is salty. The food with rich salt is apt to make the breast swell, should avoid this kind of food particularly in 7- 10 days before period comes.
Sixth, try out and give a hot compress to. It is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine treatment to give a hot compress to, can relieve the breast and ache in way of giving a hot compress to the bag, thermos or having the hot bath etc.. If it is cold and giving a hot compress to and replacing the law to adopt, it will be better to dispel uncomfortable disease result of the breast.
Seventh, prevent the fat. As to excessively fat women, it contributes to relieving the breast and swelling and aching to make weight.
Eighth, apply the chest with the castor oil. Castor oil contain can promote the intersection of T11 and the intersection of lymphocyte and material of function by one, the lymphocyte can accelerate of different infection to recover, remove pain. The method is: Drip the castor oil in converting four floors of cotton cloth into, let it stained with castor oil, but not too wet, so as not to drip and flow everywhere. Apply this cloth on the breast, cover on a layer of plastic membranes, and then put and give a hot compress to the bag. Will give a hot compress to the bag and transfer the temperature that can stand to you, will apply for an hour.
Ninth, absorb vitamins. Should be absorbed and is rich in vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, and food of group of thiamine in the diet. These vitamins contribute to regulating the manufacture of prostaglandin E, meanwhile, eat little margarine, because the hydrogenation fat among them will interfere with essential fatty acid (come from the food) in the body It is sour (GIA) to turn into Y - linseed oil Ability,and last the formings of the Es GIA,and then last production at hormones lactogenic.
Tenth, far away from coffee. Does the caffeine cause the breast to be uncomfortable? Have not verified yet at present. But find, a lot of have breast aching and woman of other benign symptomses according to medical science's investigation, after giving up the caffeine, symptom has obvious improvement. So, you must give up coffee in an all-round way, that is to totally give up the idea to soda, chocolate, ice cream, tea and caffeinated analgesic,etc..
11th, must guard against abusing medicines.
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