Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Edible ginkgo make the intersection of you and the intersection of skin and ruddy _'s cosmetic recipe often

Edible ginkgo make the intersection of you and the intersection of skin and ruddy _'s cosmetic recipe often
The ginkgo calls the gingko too, is rich in protein, fat, carbohydrate, many kinds of amino acid, carrotene and vitamin B1, B2s,etc.. The ginkgo is not only a first-class edible good merchantable brand, also have extremely good health care functions. Modern medical science proves: Such diseases as yellow ketone glucoside in the ginkgo fails to cerebral thrombosis, hypertension, coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis, brain function have special prevention and therapeutic effect, the often edible ginkgo can expand the blood capillary, promote the blood circulation, make people's skin ruddy, in high spirits.Gingko most typical recipe whether gingko stew chicken, Braised Chicken with Gingkgo the intersection of teacher and Taoist priest of hole formulate for blue and green day such as mountain such as city according to legend. Entered the casserole to cook over a slow fire with the slow fire by tender hen, ginkgo, ginger stretch,etc.. Can make people in high spirits, with strong body the body strong in after the food.Contain micro- the intersection of hydrogen and cyanic acid in the ginkgo, excessive to eat, will present, generate heat, vomit, suffer from diarrhoea, twitch, limb stiff and skin livid purple coming loose loud by pupil, even remain unconscious etc. and is poisoned the phenomenon, so should not be excessive and passing and eating frequently. Moreover, pregnant woman and infant should not eat.What traditional Chinese medicine pharmacy sell go the intersection of shell and gingko, dry product that concoct already (had better steam as material of eating soft first, so as not to influence the mouthfeel) ,But the vacuum-packed gingko on the market, it is a fresh product already boiled, toxicity has already been lowered, so so long as can not pay attention to excessively, can be settled down to enjoy.Eat raw, must go shell, go red soft membrane, go heart (plumule) ,The adult eats 5~7 at most every day. Until prepared food, 20~30 each time should.


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