Sunday, December 2, 2012

It will initiate many kinds of diseases to often suffer from insomnia

It will initiate many kinds of diseases to often suffer from insomnia
While social economy is improved, people's life pressure is improved suddenly too, soOften suffer from insomniaCrowd range but also it is gradual expand. Some people are wrong to thinkOften suffer from insomniaWill until what injury health cause, insomnia for a long time will cause a lot of production of disease in fact.

Find, the probability of suffering from depression of the crowd who often suffers from insomnia should be obviously higher than the crowd without insomnia according to a newest investigation, and its probability is about triple of height. Between insomnia and depression, there are common morbidity foundations or mechanisms, it has illness coming on on foundations all in the hypothalamic and hypophysis, and this position is important neural endocrine regulation mechanism of our human body.
It takes to know the danger of depression and far exceed insomnia, it will all cause very great influence to the patients' physiology and psychology, will also reduce the patient's immune ability at the same time. If treating in time, will also damage the patient's brain, cause its cognitive ability to drop, such questions as memory declines, attention is unable to be centralized. And some serious depression patients will also often produce the thought committing suicide, if this thought is put into taking action, as to its relative it is a great blow.


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