Friday, December 7, 2012

Often what is stayed up to eat to mend Make an inventory specially offer to stay up recipe man

Often what is stayed up to eat to mend Make an inventory, specially offer to stay up recipe man
The man fights outside all day for the family as the ridgepole and beam of a family. It is a unavoidable thing to stay up to treat with courtesy. Long this is for a long time, the health collapses unconsciously. The man was born in the year of the male genital, the young men with better physique stayed up once in a while, so long as following sleep, nutrition were followed, basically fine. However, because most of modern white collar has to work a busy schedule, subhealthy symptoms such as deficiency of vital energy,etc. exist more or less in the health, but stay up to make symptom become more serious, so, should notice the diet is recuperated.

1,Disappear and ache and clear away heat: Stewed duck's egg of Radix Rehmanniae
The materials: Radix Rehmanniae 20 overcomes, the duck's egg 1 to 2.
Method: Water right amount of the intersection of stewing out of water and it, go shell after the familiar egg, put into juice, stew 20 minutes, crystal sugar flavour, eat egg drink juice, 1 times a day or every week 2 to 3 times.
2,Invigorate the kidney better bone: Pig's waist stews Cortex Eucommiae
The materials: 25 grams of Cortex Eucommiae, 1 of pork kidney.
Method: Hour of above-mentioned material 1 of stewing out of water.



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