Thursday, December 20, 2012

The menstrual woman guards against _ symptom of peritonitis

The menstrual woman guards against _ symptom of peritonitis
There are close relations between skin of breast and breast disease. Should notice that there are inflammation, edema, tangerine peel soliciting, small dimples while observing the skin of breast, whether get up or sunken high, whether some skin and depth piece have adhesions, with the hand most sensitive position, touch the skin of breast, have positions taller in temperature. Whether the skin of breast tickles, there is eczema kind that changes. If there is the above-mentioned all symptom, belong to the abnormal condition. These live abroad olive Yan perhaps >> Jian endure O employ the intersection of lotus root and of Ping Hu Niu Suan? 1,The little dimple appears in the breast part, prove the fibre bundle of connective tissue under the cover of this place is shortened. When the breast passes to this place, small dimple obvious, such as breast cancer, tuberculosis, behind the acute mastitis or the intersection of breast and some the intersection of cicatrix and contracture behind the operation, breast traumatism, some fat withers. 2,The skin of breast has red, swollen, hot, aches phenomena, are mostly acute inflammation of the breast, such as acute adenitis and breast abscess. The sick position is relatively deep, but the inflammatory phenomenon of skin is not obvious. 3,The skin of breast is some or all present edema rising, hole of fine hair on the human body become precise and concave and deep, when being similar to the tangerine peel kind, prove there is inflammation in this place, or there is breast carcinoma in its depths. If there is not inflammatory phenomenon on the surface, the appearance that then solicit tangerine peel is one of the characteristics of breast carcinoma. 4,The light vein of breast epidermis is expanded, see more inflammation, traumatism, sarcoma or cancer. If the extensive expanding simply and quietly of skin of breast, do not present and radiate arranging, and prolong and wall of the chest, can block the single collateral circulation formed for the up and down vena cava. In a word, if the skin of breast presents the above-mentioned signal, please go to the hospital to check as soon as possible.


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