Saturday, December 15, 2012

How to treat special symptom appears in menstrual period

How to treat special symptom appears in menstrual period
It is treated among some women menstrual periods that how special symptom appears in menstrual period, always present this or that discomfort, or dizzy, or constipation, or aphonia, hear of, take medicine menstrual period, like this really?

The talking is rotten through coming
Every menstrual period, the talking is rotten, many dreams of palpitation, the hearts of brothers are hot. Pharmaceutial use: Chinese yam, jade bamboo, sealwort, Radix Rehmanniae, prepared rhizome of rehmannia, 15 grams respectively of dangshen, wheat winter, high aspiration, Jiang ZhuRu are 10 grams respectively, fry 6 grams respectively of rhizome of large-headed atractylodes, Radix Astragali, 5 grams of the rhizome of Chinese goldthread. Pass, begin, take 5 while being the first per month, every day dose, clothes, to pass net, obey, can be healed 3-5 cycles even.
Through fainting
When period come, look pale, cold sweat dripping wet, have palpitation restless, want, vomit, want, whole body is weak, consciousness is fuzzy, faint and fall down to the ground, Huan wakes up and takes place the ordinary person. Pharmaceutial use: 20 grams of prepared rhizome of rehmannia, root of herbaceous peony, Radix Astragali, rhizome of large-headed atractylodes, Sang ShanZi, dangshen, Chinese angelica, Indian bread are 15 grams respectively, licorice root of roast meat is 3 grams. Daily clothes one, taking 12 pharmaceuticals in succession can be healed.
Twitch through coming
Through come numb limb, four limbs twitch, sleep little large dreams, the underbelly pains. Pharmaceutial use: 24 grams of root of herbaceous peony, 20 grams of Chinese angelica, prepared rhizome of rehmannia, Indian bread, 12 grams respectively of stiff silkworm, the ginseng, donkey-hide gelatin (Yang) , 10 grams respectively of hook rattan, rhizome of large-headed atractylodes, Rhizoma Chuanxiong, wind-proof, roast meat licorice root are 9 grams respectively. Every day one, taking 7 pharmaceuticals in succession can be healed.
Constipation through coming
Every menstrual period, it is formed, recover without treatment after passing that the stool is secret. Pharmaceutial use: Prepared rhizome of rehmannia, sealwort, 30 grams respectively of the fruit of Chinese wolfberry, root of herbaceous peony, fire rough benevolence, strongly fragrant Li's benevolence are 15 grams respectively, 10 grams respectively of Chinese angelica, Fructus Aurantii Immaturus, 6 grams of Rhizoma Chuanxiong, licorice root of roast meat is 4 grams. Daily clothes one, taking 15 pharmaceuticals in succession can be healed.
Aphonia through coming
Through coming, the sound is hoarse, had managed and did not heal for a long time. Pharmaceutial use: 20 grams of Radix Astragali of roast meat, licorice root of roast meat is 5 grams, female phoenix's clothing of wind, raw Fructus Chebulae meat are respectively 9 grams, it fries root of herbaceous peony, dog's spine, Sichuan to be disconnected, the fruit of Chinese wolfberry, prepared rhizome of rehmannia are 12 grams respectively, the intersection of jade and bamboo, break so the intersection of paper and son, Semen Cuscutae, dogwood fruit 15 grams respectively. Pass, begin, take 10 while being the first, every day one, even obey to pass netly.
Suffer from diarrhoea through coming
Through come, suffer from diarrhoea, the intersection of underbelly and secret anguish, prolonged to heal. Pharmaceutial use: Fry 30 grams of Radix Astragali, look into 20 in Black Hills, enrich lipoprotein of bone, Chinese yam, 15 grams respectively of rhizome of large-headed atractylodes, cornel of licorice root of roast meat, dried orange peel, Wu Zhu, ginseng, dark plum are 10 grams respectively. Unless it is dose every day, unless even behind take by 6 pharmaceutical, it is disappear to suffer from abdominal pain,above add by 20 grams of French beans,it is can heal 10 pharmaceutical to take even.
As the saying goes: "Three points of medicine, seven fen is raised, defend very much. " Can be seen the importance of keeping in good health. There are old talents that need to keep in good health in a lot of people's consciousness, actually this is not so, it is a long way to keep in good health, the more go on this road early, benefited the more.Understand general knowledge of keeping in good health of more Chinese medicine please enter:Chinese medicine keeps in good health
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