Fail in love, cause the fat mystery while being boring while being hollow while being depressed while being tense
Author: Korean shake mood to be nervous depressed fail in love, not hollow, causing fat one puzzling mysterying general situationing to feel blue, can influence appetite generally really, nervous can fail in love the intersection of influence and appetite of a certain degree by the intersection of mood and depression, emotioning. Right, this a lot of the intersection of people and experience frequently, happen, make the intersection of people and nervous, the intersection of mood and depression and thing that emotion fail in love just especially. Will improve the mood to eat the desserts, candy, table delicacies however, if the thing has happened for some time, the thing has not been solved yet; Or a lot of table delicacies, beer, candy,etc. were put when the mood is tense, depressed, fails in love, hollow, people will take, stand up, wipe out things these while being very natural. Eat, people will find the mood will be a bit better, especially eat results such as Jiao Xiang's desserts, candy,etc. better. Become it is tense to solve the mooding, depressed, fails in love, hollow experience and method in this way. Meet, feel blue, take, time long to succeed a kind of habit. Because does not know why make the mood take a favorable turn, will become a kind of subconscious movement in this way, subconscious one kind acts for the subconsciousness that makes the mood better. Eat and eat like this, is it fat how to eat? Tense, depressed, fail in love, the hollow mood is difficult can not be in keen competition, in tense life, who can not be tense? Everybody busy, busy in everyday, why for who it will be knowing busy busy, a busy one know who is oneself. Can not one's own person fail in love not? Has not the heart believed, hearts have not depended on, hearts have not loved, can be non- hollow? Society, idea, caring about, well-meaning sincere advice will make the overweight person produce nervous, depressed, fails in love, hollow mood, aggravate his intensity overweight person meets the frightened and fat society, often meet the expression in one's eyes making the overweight person unhappy, often see the newspapers and periodicals article making overweight person's psychology nervous, the TV is propagated; Preach of getting back to home and will often hear family, relatives and friends, friend; Reach hospital can listen to sincere advice with good intention of doctor, sometimes also will hear case of whom horrific fat those cause. Can not be tense? Is there good mood? Yes no Society, crowd think so fatly, can not the fat failure in love rate be high? Can not be lonely? Can not be hollow? It is drowned that this is like a person, the well-meaning loud cry of the person on the bank: Don't sink, sink the consequence is very terrible. Call what's the use of, drowning person that piece does not afraid of where does it sink? That does not know that the consequence is very terrible to sink. Likewise, what's the use of to shout, that overweight person is not afraid more fertily! That does not know fertily that the consequence is very terrible to go down. The ones that can swim say: Cross the intension and sink; The weight-reducing expert says: The more tense, the more it is eaten that the worse mood is, it is the more fertile to eat. Is not this a vicious circle? Fat another vicious circle, another strange circle is fat Tense, depressed and failing in love, feeling bad hollowly Eat the desserts, candy, snacks to relieve the mood It is aggravated that fat Mood is less good Eat Enter so " The fat vicious circle feeling bad " . Not understanding why, so people are also called the strange circle. Vicious circle --The key is being eaten! Yes, it can't be fat not to eat. Eating can relieve the bad mood! Feel a pain very much in tense, depressed, fail in love, hollow mood! Yes, feel a pain in tense, depressed, fail in love, hollow mood, at that time, it is fat of course, fat disease and agony that bring are future too, the urgent one manage it to mark. This of mine is a emergent scheme, the law of giving temporary relief too. Is there one that get a permanent cure to send? In view of this, vicious circle --The key lies in: As to not having therapeutic method tensely, depressedly, fail in love, hollow etc.. Friend, it is an effective method that passages through which vital energy circulates hold the adjustment of mood, but not the only method. Not even Bao Zhi's method! However, doing exercises in gymnastics and realizing and telling us of the fans that passages through which vital energy circulates hold: The mood will be a lot better than before practising passages through which vital energy circulates to hold, very obvious after practising passages through which vital energy circulates after holding.
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