Diabetic food therapy side
(1)The powder porridge of Radix Puerariae: 100 grams of round-grained nonglutinous rice, powder of Radix Puerariae is 30 grams. After cleaning Radix Puerariae, cut stretch, add the fresh water to grind into the thick liquid, precipitate, fetch the starch, dry it under the sun for subsequent use. It is net to wash the round-grained nonglutinous rice. The round-grained nonglutinous rice is put into pan, add appropriate amount of fresh water and after using force and burning boiling, migrate the slow fire to boil, it is half-mature to boil to the rice, add the powder of Radix Puerariae, and then continue boiling to the rice rottenly and becoming porridge with the slow fire. (2)Clam's broth of bitter gourd: 250 grams of bitter gourds, clam's meat is 100 grams. Living clam grow, get rid of mud, fetch the meat behind the bad smell 2 day with fresh water, boil the soup with the bitter gourd; Flavour with the oil of salt. Eat soup and eat bitter gourd and clam's meat. Edible day, according to the circumstances but definitely, person who disappear, replenish vital essence and remove heat, moisturize, quench the thirst suitable for. (3)The porridge of Chinese yam: 50 grams of Chinese yams- 60 grams (100 grams of fresh products- 120 grams) , 60 grams of round-grained nonglutinous rice. The Chinese yam is cleaned and cut slice, boil with the round-grained nonglutinous rice into porridge. For breakfast in four seasons to eat, is used for more easy to eat the hungry ones. (4)The stewed abalone of fresh turnip: 500 grams of fresh turnips, do 50 grams of abalones. Clean the turnip the section, boil and eat with the abalone. Obey 2 times a day or take on the next day, even obey for 15 days - 20 days. (5)The Rhizoma Anemarrhenae juice of raw Chinese yam: The powder of raw Chinese yam is 30 grams, 15 grams of pollen, 15 grams of Rhizoma Anemarrhenae, grow Endothelium Corneum Gigeriae Galli 10 grams of powder, 10 grams of Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis, the intersection of powder and 10 Ge, water Rhizoma Anemarrhenae, Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis first 500 Bo rise, fry 300 ml of juices, remove slag, adjust, paste the intersection of Chinese yam and powder, powder, root of Chinese trichosanthes, inner gold the intersection of powder and cold water Ge again, take the advantage that medicinal solution will be boiling, quench into, stir for the custard. Obey 100 ml each time, 3 times a day. Fire,etc. is used in polyuria, lower extremities edema, clear away heat to fall. (6)The Matrimony vine is stewed rabbit's meat: 15 grams of the fruits of Chinese wolfberry, rabbit's meat is 250 grams, vegetables, oil salt are right amount of respectively. First the fruit of Chinese wolfberry, rabbit's meat waters and stews well, and then flavour with the vegetables, oil, salt. Drink the soup and eat the meat, eat once every 1- 2 day, often eat and can treat diabetes, the stool is rare to rush down, sleepy and unable, frequently urine. (7)Gold is drunk in the root of the spinach: Fresh the intersection of spinach and 100 of root, do 15 of Endothelium Corneum Gigeriae Galli, ink fry the clothes, 2-3 times a day. (8)The digitalis pig's pancreas soup of Chinese yam: 60 grams of Chinese yams, do 30 grams of digitalis, there is pig's pancreas. Add right amount of clearly and poach pig's pancreas with the tile pan, and then enter the Chinese yam and do digitalis with frying. Drink the soup and eat the meat, assisting the meals will do, take continuously. (9)The soup of pumpkin: 1000 of pumpkin strip, slice, water, boil after the familiar soup drinking with meal. The pumpkin is rich in vitamin, it is a kind of high fibrous food, can reduce the diabetes patient's blood glucose, and can increase the full belly sense. (10)Fry the bitter gourd: 250 grams of bitter gourds, clean and strip, slice, with appropriate amount of edible oil, salt, assist the meals while frying. Bitter gourd sweet bitter, can clear away heat, detoxify, except that irritated to quench the thirst, can also lower blood glucose.
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