Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Burmese border conflict causes the persons who flee from a calamity in a large amount to cross the river and avoid the trouble Thailand

The Burmese border conflict causes the persons who flee from a calamity in a large amount to cross the river and avoid the trouble Thailand
On the 8th, Burmese anti-government militant and government troops conflict at the tile bottom of the seedling of small city in the frontier in the east of Burma, the stray bullet still brings disaster to neighbouring country Thailand. It is reported, the conflict causes many people to be injured altogether, up to a hundred people tide over his river of Mei and escape to the border of Thailand of neighbouring country to take refuge.
According to Agence France-Presse, on the 8th of this month at local time, the militant's heavy-duty weapon fire power attacked the seedling tile bottom of small city of frontier of Kayin Nation of Burma, cause 2 People are injured. News claims, Burmese anti-government militant has already occupied the police stations and post offices of the tile bottom of seedlings, and confront with military government.
One insisting on anonymity officer, border of Thailand, tell Agence France-Presse whether one the intersection of rocket propulsion and howitzer attack the intersection of Thailand and beauty of northwestern part ask for the prefecture also, having caused 3 men and two women, 5 people are injured altogether. The fax reveals, when the accident happened, on Mei his bridge of the circle on the bank of the river, Thai soldier improves and guards because there are stray bullets to cross the boundary illegally, hide after the blindage one after another. This officer still expresses " L Though the artillery fire has already been put down temporarily, the tile bottom peripheral military operation of the seedling does not probably stop yet. "
Thailand ask for gram, chief executive of prefecture, mention Thuc, door of Kurt, Sa, say Thailand close Thai the intersection of border and inspection post of side and expel some persons who flee from a calamity of Mei along the Iraq's river already while being American. And the Burmese inspection post of the other bank of river had already closed several months ago, but still a lot of immigrants cross the boundary illegally and run away to Thailand illegally.
Demonstration of arms which the Burmese anti-government armed organization has already directed against Burmese general election once before this. A news website that holds different political views in Burma " L The sound of Burmese democracy " R Report Burmese the intersection of ethnic minority and district of turmoil have 6 the intersection of arms and colony say, help to adopt and strike back the intersection of government and what that arms attack each other still. Another according to Associated Press' report, recently, ethnic minority relevant organization of district also warns, if the military continues depriving them of rights, " L The civil war will break out again in Burma " .
Since 1948 independence, the civil war that Burma broke out has already caused a lot of areas in this country to be mauled. The observer expresses, in the first general election over the past 20 years of Burma that is carried on on the 7th, the Burmese official side cancelled and voted in the district of ethnic minority. This has caused people's worry to the safe situation of this area.


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