Insane asylum, how much crime is false, you, in order to walk
Psychosis accepts the confusion of the situation for medical treatment at present, mainly reflect in two aspects: The ones that should be accepted for medical treatment are not accepted for medical treatment, the ones that shouldn't be accepted for medical treatment are accepted for medical treatment. Analyse and explain this haphazard office, except carry on various legislation of protecting mental patient's right pointedly, define the country is likewise important to the mental patient's succour responsibility.
It is 16th world day of mental hygiene on October 10. The non-governmental public interest organization " Psychosis and the society observe " " China's psychosis accepts the legal analysis report of the system for medical treatment " released is called: "Our country current psychosis accept system for medical treatment, have enormous defect, psychosis accept situation for medical treatment to be very much confused. This not only threatens the society publically and safely, also the risk of making everyone face ' accepted for medical treatment '. " (" China Youth News " of October 11)
Sincere just as this report pointing out, psychosis accepts the confusion of the situation for medical treatment at present, mainly reflect in two aspects: The ones that should be accepted for medical treatment are not accepted for medical treatment, the ones that shouldn't be accepted for medical treatment are accepted for medical treatment - -Here, because a lot of patients who should be accepted for medical treatment are unable to pay the medical fee, can't treat; There, there is not a disease or person that needn't accept for medical treatment by force in a large amount, but the person who is have interests to conflict with it sends to the insane asylum by force, forced to lose the freedom of person, bear various agony different to imagine.
With generally speaking " The difficulty and high cost of getting medical treatment " Compare, psychosis is as a special case, " the difficulty and high cost of getting medical treatment " of it The abominable consequence brought is much more serious: A lot of mental patients, either is confined and imprisoned for a long time by family, or tramp the streets and run its course, some ones that become in the society " The bomb when being indefinite " . It is reported, it is about 20% that the foreign mental hygiene drops the proportion always put into the hygiene into, and our country only has 1%. The country reveals all the details the omission of responsibility lets the mental patient unable to get due treatment and protection.
In another side of coin, because national input seriously insufficient, some insane asylum consider and lose basic intuitive knowledge on the basis of economic benefits. In order to make money, who all like to receive these insane asylums: The not merely heartless husband can send the wife who is not liked off in, one and another persons who appeal for help are even more sent off in by force by some local governments, it is not the mental patient's behavior that they complain oneself tearfully, being regarded as instead is typical psychosis and symptom. Until today, various dirty trade once exposed are still continuing taking place - -Think about it, the gate of insane asylum is often opened, opening holds in the arms and welcomes you, what terror this should have!
Net friend describes: Want to punish you, say you are put into the insane asylum by psychosis; Want to elute the charge, say oneself is exempted from bearing the punishment responsibility by psychosis. Perhaps the last kind of situation is still rare, but the first kind of situation is never rare, want, send insane asylum to by force someone, need a certain power get just only perhaps, have strict procedure restrain from with responsibility punishing, that so-called expert declare " appeal for help always family 99% there are psychosises " publicly .
I think, analyse and explain psychosis and accept the haphazard office for medical treatment, besides carrying on various and protecting the legislation of mental patient's right pointedly, define the country is likewise important to the mental patient's succour responsibility.
As the insane asylum becomes the therapeutic organization of a public service property more, those mental patients tramping the streets could get as the effective treatment in time, those are " psychosis " Person getting more unlikely because of economic benefits accepting excessively.
In addition, mental patient and insane asylum should enter the visual fields of charity organization and love personage more: Don't forget, the insane asylum is very near to the all people, it actually just cares about oneself to care about the mental patient.
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