Prevention of psychonosema
The prevention of psychonosema is divided for being tertiary, can not to be simple " strive for, must manage early, cure the persons who leave. " First class prevention is the prevention of the cause of disease. Some psychonosema has clear pathogenic factors, such as infecting, poisoned, traumatism, becoming addiction thing, nutrition supersession disorder, cerebrovascular diseases, various internal medicine departments caused, or there is obvious heredity. Those functional psychonosema seen more on clinic such as schizophrenia, emotion psychonosema, neural disease, etc., there is not a clear cause of disease at present, prevent theirs, must prevent from the psychology - society - living beings three respects synthetically. Second prevention is to find psychonosema in early days, diagnose, treat in time in early days. Most psychonosema arise it can show as the personality changes that the disease is more latently and densely, early, study work quality, drop, insomnia, mood suspicious and sensitive unstable, interpersonal relationships nervous, etc. Often regarded as ideological problem, general life setback, neurasthenia and is neglected. And exactly the best opportunity with therapeutic psychosis exactly at this moment. So, once find the family or friend has some phenomena that can't be explained by the general psychologica l obstacle, or while failing to respond to any medical treatment according to neural disease,etc.. Must ask the doctor of psychiatric department to make a diagnosis and give treatment. Tertiary prevention is mainly to prevent replying making and declining. While already suffering from a certain easy breaking out repeatedly or apt chronic psychonosema that delay, must face objective reality, accept doctor, guide, insist on, take medicine treatment for a long time, strengthen and recover training, keep labour capacity, social function to the maximum extent, emergence preventing spirit from being disabled. Beijing Huilongguan hospital Associate professor of treatment Di XiaoLan
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