Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Psychoanalysis treatment

Psychoanalysis treatment
Psychoanalysis treatment is gratified again pay attention to the analytic approach, belong to long Cheng's psychotherapy. It is that a therapeutic method is a kind of theory too. Come from S.Freud theory, go through the first century, I, common people comment on, get both praise and censure. Though employed in the medical practice of our country less in the past, its influence was relatively wide, some views among them and treating the skill and place that can be signed. [It is neural disease patient, especially hysteria, obsession and phobia to meet card and basic principle ] and mainly adapt to the card. Also can try out on some psychological obstacle, peep overcast disease, expose private part disease and rub the addiction,etc.. According to the theory of the psychoanalysis theory, symptoms of the neural disease are all meaningful. In different consciousness levels because of both sides of psychological conflict of production symptom, one party is in preconsciousness or consciousness; And another party is played a sneaking and restraining role and confined in unconscious China. So, the patient is bitter for symptom, but does not know real reason and meaning for producing symptom. The persons who treat helped the patient to remove and sneak and restrain, changed the unconscious mental process into consciousness, have exposed the make-up which defends the mechanism, make the patient find out about the true meaning of symptom, can enable its disappearance. The origin that this theory thinks neural disease symptom produces relates to crux formed of early years, the desire to fail to be solved when it is unconscious to be sneaked and restrained to, in the way that lead or free association off, let the patient really realize and experience this is an old complaint formed in childhood from emotion, already meaningless nowadays. Insight to " Oh, I see " Reach " Comprehend " ,Symptom is thereupon disappearance too. [Method and technology ] 1. Free association requires the patient to say everything that expects in the brain out completely. The doctor's task is listening attentively to, and encourage the patient to overcome resistance and continue carrying on Lenovo, meddle in the brief comment if necessary. Therapeutic 1~2h usually each time, the course of treatment can be as long as 3 years. 2.Impedance and move feeling if the patient does not behave in Lenovo " Freedom " , mutter and mumble, cut off, call this impedance slowly. Reasons are in many aspects, the doctor is besides solving patient's distrust and various worry, there may be deeper reasons in some impedance. Another phenomenon is to move the feeling, namely the patient demonstrates the strong emotional responses of the doctor in treating, such as revering, adoring, hatred or abhoring,etc.. Someone think grasp and handle well, move feeling is the key to analyzing successfully. 3.It is analyzed that dreamland does not think dreamland often symbolizes unconscious impulse or desire, can be excavated to various clues through clearing up dreams. In clearing up dreams and working, some more specialized appellations, for example, signify, condense, replace, retouch etc., become an important content of the psychoanalysis treatment. 4.It is to analyze therapeutic basic fundamentals to explain, it is open to repair and comprehend these three. Especially the unconscious meanings of free association and dreamland should be explained; Overcome impedance, it needs different explanations too to deal with and move the feeling. Explain repeatedly and help the course which the patient solves and conflicts to be called repairing openly continuously; Once it is open to repair, make the patient understand the origin of the conflict, just as once exposing the riddle that can not guess for a long time reaches and comprehends. Move in circles sequentially, capture the conflict one by one, thus reach patient's symptom and fade, personality is riper, relieve oneself in disease " problems can easily be solved when the conditions are ripe " (used after a verb to indicate the completion of an action). Transfer it to from the psychological hot line in Shanghai



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