Psychosis, why hit with the electricity?
The electric shock treatment is to utilize transient, right amount of electric current to stimulate the brain through electric shock machine, cause mental patient's consciousness to lose or twitch and break out all over, so as to control a therapeutic method of the spiritual symptom. Because it is easy, the side effect lacks, has already become clinical and commonly used therapeutic method of psychiatric department. At present, some people are terrific endlessly once referring to the insane asylum in the society: Hear of " lunatics " Send there, on give them make electrotheraph, take electric chair, fight them with cable, refund their " supernatural light " ,So the more rash even more overbearing patients will all become well-behaved. Moreover, some mental patients and relatives, to " electric shock " of the insane asylum Also fear very much and unwilling to accept hospital treatment, make patients unable to get the systematic treatment, so that delay the condition. In fact, all these do not understand the misunderstanding that cause about the therapeutic method of psychiatric department. Mental patient send to behind the insane asylum, psychiatric department doctor want, carry on spirit of system as in the general hospital patient and physique, disease, and history check previously, then according to the disease, treatment to the ill. As to the impatients, generally all use medicines to treat. But as some patients have serious feeling sorrow for oneself depressedly and seriously, suicide, extreme excitement hurts one's feeling restlessly, excitedly, drug therapy is difficult with control and schizophrenia, it have obviously, feel guilty since by food on crime, refuse, nervous can't take care of oneself wood stiff,etc. seriously (do not take, drink, sleep, move, wonder defecation and urination and cold Should use hour " Electric shock " Treat, but not whom some people speak take electric chair, fight them with the torch. As to these patients, employing the electric shock treatment will have prominent curative effect, and the course of treatment is short, can control their spiritual symptom rapidly generally, resume their life self-care ability. So, the electric shock treatment is that the psychiatric department treats one of the treatment means with fast and effective psychosis. Even so, still not all mental patients can employ the electric shock treatment. Acute to infect, generate heat all over; Disease of nervous system of centre, such as epilepsy, cerebroma, cerebrovascular diseases,etc.; Serious heart, vascular disease and serious respiratory disease; Bone joint disease, such as fracture, arthritis,etc.; Serious liver kidney disease; Glaucoma, the retina is lossed; Patients such as old man, children and pregnant woman under the age of 12,etc. over 60, can't employ the electric shock treatment, otherwise the serious contingency may happen, even die. The doctor of psychiatric department will get rid of the patient unsuitable to use electric shock to treat according to the inspections of condition and system. So, mental patient relatives needn't fear the electric shock treatment. It is only a therapeutic method and means a shock treatment such as infusion, having an injection, taking medicine to be electric, but not the tool threatening, punishing the mental patient. When patient's psychosis breaks out or recurs, should hand over hospital treatment to the insane asylum in time, so as not to delay the condition. The centre of mental hygiene of Chengdu has linked and built
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