The diabetes patient will erupt the dysaudia simultaneously too
The expert points out, hearing damages and already becomes the new members in the family of diabetes complication.
1 year ago, subsidiary gold professor Kui Yang of division of endocrinology of Beijing Tongren Hospital of Capital University of Medical Sciences cooperated with ENT dept., compare hearing with 45 ordinary people with the age group to 69 2 type diabetics. The researcher carries on the pure tone and examines and listens to launching etc. and checking with the ear sound separately for these patients. What the former measured is that minimum decibel which the patient can hear is counted, reflect the patient's subjective hearing; What the latter measured is the function of the organ of sense of hearing of patient's inner ear, it is an objective index. Found finally, it was 40.6% that diabetic's pure tone examined and listened to the incidence that strength was damaged, the control group is only 2.2%, two groups of differences are very obvious. The detecting rate of abnormal state that and the ear sound launches is higher, and the left ear is more obvious. Professor Yang JinKui says, this research indicates it is very general that diabetic's hearing is damaged, should diagnose and intervene in early days.
On clinic, the diabetes patient that a lot of hearing damages often goes to a doctor in ENT dept.. The Song great waves chief physician of ENT dept. of BJ Hospital of Ministry of Public Health tells reporters, in the visit patient dropping in hearing, a lot of are the diabetic. It is more serious than the peer that their hearing drops, some people lose hearing unconsciously, some patients belong to suddenly and deafly.
Damage to the diabetic's hearing, Song HaiTao thinks that there is not a special treatment measure, the groundwork should be put in preventing. She proposes the diabetes patient:
1.Control blood glucose, fat of blood strictly;
2.Avoid the use of the toxic medicine of ear, for instance amino glucoside antibiotic (Streptomycin, gentamicin,etc.) ;
3.Keep away from the noise environment, try hard to avoid wearing the earplug and listening to the music;
4.Check hearing regularly.
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