Sunday, July 1, 2012

There is too little or too many and abnormal seminal fluid

There is too little or too many and abnormal seminal fluid
Summary:A healthy maturity man, the discharge amount of the seminal fluid should be in 3- 5 ml each time, rank precise several days and seminal fluid quantity has been less than 1. Man one, after being precise, seminal fluid want through to could return to normal while being supplementary 1- 2 day, so sexual life or the frequent one of masturbation, seminal fluid quantity will be relatively reduced each time, the interval can return to normal in some time, this cannot be regarded as seminal fluid too little diseases. Too much essences of seminal fluid are that the precise thick liquid is secreted or oozed out too many, but the total number of sperms has no change, this will cause sperm's density in the seminal fluid to reduce naturally, thus reduce the probability of becoming pregnant.Liu has married Xiao Xu already for 45 years, but empty under the knee so far. As to this, Xiao Xu had thinking all the time the reason was in oneself on one's body: Look too modest by oneself, and small disease is constant; By contrast, husband grow sturdy, but also seminal fluid that discharge quantity a lot of pass sexual life, each time, certainly fertility " Very strong " . So Xiao Xu goes to the hospital to check voluntarily, but the doctor wants her to come with husband. Liu disapproving in tin, think that checks that looks into, anyway oneself is out of question. However, have come out once questioning the question: The doctor tells him, he has too much seminal fluid amount (reach 10 ml) ,But sperm's content is low, the sterile reason extremely lies in this probably! Hearing this news, husband and wife are very surprised.
As soon as the doctor sees them puzzledly, the doctor tell the relevant knowledge of the seminal fluid for them. Originally, the seminal fluid was composed of sperm and precise thick liquid, the sperm was the development of splitting up of precise original cell from the thin precise tube of testis song and came. The ripe sperm stores in the seminal vesicle temporarily by the epididymis, spermatic duct Damien's ejaculatory duct, ejaculate a large number of the intersection of seminal vesicle and liquid, the intersection of prostate and liquid, the intersection of bulbourethral gland and liquid and sperm lump together occasionally, liquid of the general name. A healthy maturity man, the discharge amount of the seminal fluid should be in 3- 5 ml each time, rank precise several days and seminal fluid quantity has been less than 1. 5 ml, get seminal fluid too little diseases. Man one, after being precise, seminal fluid want through to could return to normal while being supplementary 1- 2 day, so sexual life or the frequent one of masturbation, seminal fluid quantity will be relatively reduced each time, the interval can return to normal in some time, this cannot be regarded as seminal fluid too little diseases. Lack precisely or not have precise disease to see that is infected with in the reproductive system, such as the tuberculosis, gonorrhoea or non- specific inflammation, and testis the intersection of function and unusual, endocrine disorder or urethra narrow, etc.
Unless there are unusual on if testis function, besides can cause sterility ing,will influencing function.
The person who exceeds 8 ml of each's precise quantity is called too much seminal fluid, this is a kind of morbid state too, it is hyperfunction to be secreted by seminal vesicle inflammation and hypophyseal gonadotropin more. Seminal vesiculitis between twenty and fifty the intersection of man and common disease, infect, cause by Escherichia coli, bacillus, out of shape bacillus and false the intersection of form and the intersection of afterbirth and fungus,etc., uncle of CrayResearch, more. Have organ more neighbouring to seminal vesicle,for instance prostate, behind infect urethra, colon,etc., or while the prostate, seminal vesicle take place under some situations and congest, the germ is easy to take advantage of a weak point, seminal vesiculitis of kindling. Too much essences of seminal fluid are that the precise thick liquid is secreted or oozed out too many, but the total number of sperms has no change, this will cause sperm's density in the seminal fluid to reduce naturally, thus reduce the probability of becoming pregnant. The excessive precise thick liquid that secretes will also interfere with activity and function of the sperm because of the influence in pathologic factors such as inflammation,etc.. In addition, seminal fluid quantity will make with large quantities of sperms seminal fluid run off from the vagina while being too much, also will reduce the chance to become pregnant.
The editor recommends:What is the seminal fluid to involved in sex function'the editor recommends:Will urine and seminal fluid be discharged at the same time? Take care to drive in the wrong direction and ejaculate


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