Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Will schizophrenia be given hereditarily to the offspring? 's psychotherapy

Will schizophrenia be given hereditarily to the offspring? 's psychotherapy
Before the child was born in, Papa and Mama imagined how beautiful and clever children are, but the twinkling of an eye when the child was born, do parents only expect children to be healthy, but suffer from the parents of friend's schizophrenia? Be hereditary? Will have disease heredity reached in child to afraid parents at diseases such and spiritual very, even because one's own condition does not dare to give birth to the child.

If you want to know the heredity of schizophrenia, we should know at first what is hereditary disease. The so-called hereditary disease means the hereditary material changes ' Sudden change or distortion) Diseases caused, are abbreviated as hereditary disease. Such characteristics as hereditary disease usually has heredity, sex, family all one's life, inborn. If British Victorian queen's family was that one burnt in the hemophilia family of the name in the 19th century. In the queen's descendant, the one that suffered from the blood friend patient and passed the daughter who carries the pathogenic gene is united by marriage, having passed hemophilia to some people of imperial lineage of Europe, thus has produced a series of hemophilia patient and person who carries gene of hemophilia.
The heredity of schizophrenia? Science of heredity of a large amount of domestic and foreign schizophrenia can only indicate the emergence of schizophrenia relates to heredity while studying, can't conclude schizophrenia is hereditary disease. Find from the family tree survey materials of schizophrenia mental patient relatives' ill rate is 6.2 times higher than the ill rate of common people, patient and health people marry schizophrenia, it is 16.4% to give birth to and suffer from schizophrenia probability in children, men and women give birth to children suffer from schizophrenia probability 39.2% by schizophrenia person. In view of this, schizophrenia is really prone to certain heredity, but the children not whom all schizophrenia patients gave birth to suffer from schizophrenia.


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