Monday, July 23, 2012

Diabetic children's diet

Diabetic children's diet
Nutrition mix meals can offer, accord with diabetic children, grow nutrition not needed, it is disorderly to correct the supersession, make blood glucose, fat of blood close to the normal physiological level as much as possible, prevent and treat hypoglycemia, ketone disease and acidosis,etc. acute complication, prevent and delay blood vessel of heart brain, kidney, retina, nervous system,etc. chronic complication.

Protein: Meat, egg - -Right amount of

Fat: Vegetable oil, fat - -Right amount of

Carbohydrate: Rice, millet cake - -Capacity

The staple food should include and should match a certain amount of natural cereal to take the leather cereal as the staple food every day, such as brown rice, millet,etc..

Eating more vegetables and fruit vegetables should choose green leaves vegetables first, secondly for sweet potato, potato, melon and eggplants.

Eating more beans and soybean contains high-quality protein ' Meat of plant) , low to gather candy ' Yi ShengYuan) , different yellow ketone ' Estrogen of plant) , nutriment such as lecithin, unsaturated fatty acid, meal fiber, many kinds of vitamin, minerals.

Have more meals a day but less food at each, at intervals of 4-6 hours, by fixed position at regular time and quantity by every meal according to quantity on time, if two meal spacing interval exceed 6 hours, can arrange to contain rich amount of nutritive snack on a small quantity. Can employ insulin or apt child who present the hypoglycemia among dinner, just before going to bed or with 1-3 times of meal before sports: At 3-4 o'clock in the afternoon, a fruit of each person, such as an orange or an apple, or 2 shaddocks; At 9-10 p.m., 's peanut kernel of more than 10 drops of salt or cashewnut, or the almond + pure milk 150ml. Pay attention to not eating the junk food.

Give an example: The recipe of the first:

Breakfast dish, meat bun or noodles, add green vegetables, a few meat slices or an egg, a cup of soya-bean milk or pure milk.

Lunch rice ( Rice

125 grams
),Thin meat slices
50 grams
,Dish heart
100 grams
,White turnip
100 grams

Add an apple of meal in the afternoon.

Noodles of dinner
100 grams
,Steamed fish
100 grams
,Usually fry the bean curd of Chinese cabbage
50 grams
,Appropriate amount of soup of tomato.

Midnight snack ( An hour) before sleeping Milk 250ml, 2 yuan of the whole wheat biscuit or the nut (peanut, walnut, almond,etc.) Several.

Full-time to cook the oil and does not exceed
25 grams
,The salt does not exceed
5 grams
Diabetes Children


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