Thursday, July 26, 2012

Why can the diabetic be dizzy?

Why can the diabetic be dizzy?
Some diabetics presented dizzy symptom, it is not easy to agree with to be regarded as rest, especially old diabetic, the time of sleep is very short, dizzy symptom is more obvious. The expert says this is diabetes complication! Must pay attention to, what is then reason why the diabetic is dizzy? We listen to the expert's introduction together.
The dizzy reason is mainly as follows, to cause diabetes
1.Diabetes is dizzy too because diabetes amalgamates vascular pathological change of the brain to cause. Pay attention to having vascular pathological change of brain, such as brain blocking up, coronary heart disease, disorder of rhythm of the heart and brain arteriosclerosis,etc.. Can have the intersection of disease and patient these because blood flow volume and glucose insufficient appearing dizzy oxygen in the blood of brain. Emergence that the patient that especially diabetes amalgamates hypertension should especially pay attention to vascular pathological change of the brain.
2.Diabetes has amalgamated hypertension to lead to the fact diabetes is dizzy. Amalgamate a hypertension patient often with diabetes and dizzy symptom, the consequence is serious. The most common manifestation of hypertension is dizzy.
3.Diabetic blood glucose raises, sets out diabetes and dizzy symptom in the twinkling of an eye. Blood glucose rises sharply. Some diabetic because of infecting, wound, diarrhoea, vomiting, or taking by a large number of sweet food, lasting medicining, lasting medicine reason such as the dosages automatically, can cause blood glucose to rise suddenly within short time. If it is too fast to raise the speed, it is dizzy that may cause. Ones that raise the speed more quickly, even there are life dangers.

The editor recommends:Drink the yoghurt to treating vitiligo beneficiallyLower the food that blood glucose should be eaten more


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