Is seminal fluid the more the better?
In the sexual life, a lot of people think wrongly, the more seminal fluid is, the illustrative function is the better. In fact, man many to have something to do with with the intersection of estrogen and the intersection of competence, physical power and state of mind,etc. and factor with age, male sex hormone function, do not have direct relation with the seminal fluid amount.According to World Health Organization (WHO) The normal seminal fluid standard stipulated, first male each precise quantity should be in 2 ml of mdash; Between 7 ml, but the seminal fluid amount is closely related to frequency of sexual life.Such as some newly-married couple, phased life is relatively more frequent in honeymoon, there is more seminal fluid quantity penetrated at the beginning, can get later fewer and fewerly. The reason very much simple, though the human body produce the sperm, seminal fluid are very capable, 1 mdash after generally letting out precisely; Can fill 2 day, ejaculate over frequently, will take place the intersection of and ldquo; rdquo in short supply; Situation. It is not certainly disease that there is too little seminal fluid that this kind of situation causes, needn't worry either, lengthening will not be managed and healed when arranging precise spacing interval. Can appear too when the similar situation is at frequent masturbation, pass out semen.If has not arranged for several times smartly, or seminal fluid quantity is less than 1.5 ml, get seminal fluid too little diseases. Prove, have the intersection of reproductive system and infection, tuberculosis, gonorrhoea, the intersection of testis and the intersection of function and unusual, the intersection of endocrine and disorder, the intersection of urethra and disease such as being narrow. And one rows of precise quantity exceed 8, call seminal fluid to be too much, secrete by the intersection of seminal vesicle and inflammation and hypophyseal gonadotropin hyperfunction to lead to the fact often.
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