Sunday, July 1, 2012

Seminal fluid nutrition is general Eat the seminal fluid and does not improve looks

Seminal fluid nutrition is general Eat the seminal fluid and does not improve looks
Summary:The seminal fluid is made up of sperm and precise slurry, we further analyze, the principal ingredients of the precise slurry are water, account for above 90, other compositions are fat, protein particle, pigment particle, phosphatide small body, amine (have choline, precise amine, precise amine plain) , free amino acid (content is changed greatly, the total amount of amino acid in 4-6 hours after being shot of normal people liquid is in 1. 25 grams 100 m 1) , inorganic salts ( There is calcium 25 m g d l, magnesium 14 m g d l, potassium 89 m g d l, zinc 14 m g d l) , enzyme ( Mainly include acid phosphatase, enzyme lactic dehydrogenase, hyaluronnidabe) , carbohydrate ( It is mainly fructose 224 m g 100 m l) . According to composition introduced in above, the seminal fluid is basically the same as composition of the blood plasma, then, we bring the food to look compared with seminal fluid again, a bowl of milk (250 ml) Includes 8 grams of proteins, 10 grams of fat, 13 grams of candies, a bowl of soya-bean milk (250 ml) Includes 11 grams of proteins, 5 grams of fat, 29 grams of candies. Compare from the human body of nutrition, milk and soya-bean milk are much more costly than that of seminal fluid, in term of function, the seminal fluid is not the nutriment, but the need of multiplying the offspring.It is 3-5 ml that normal men pass the seminal fluid quantity penetrated in sexual intercourse or masturbation. The seminal fluid is milky white, slightly alkaline, there is special stench flavor, this kind of stink, it is mainly a stink of the liquid of prostate. The precise slurry accounts for more than of 95 among them, the sperm can not take 1. The testis tissue of each c.c. can produce 200 ten thousand sperms every day, that is to say each male testis can be produced several ten million to more than one hundred million sperms every day. Even these sperms do not discharge outside the body, they will wear out, die, is digested by enzyme finally.
Precise slurry by the intersection of song and thin precise the intersection of support and cell of tube and epididymis, prostate, the intersection of seminal vesicle and gland, bulbourethral gland, and secretion of gland mix, make up together by the urethra. The secreting 65 and 30 that the liquid accounted for total volume respectively of seminal vesicle gland and prostate among them. The precise slurry is mainly offered and transported the ground substance of sperm and nutrition sperm, and stimulate the energy of the sperm.
The seminal fluid is made up of sperm and precise slurry, we further analyze, the principal ingredients of the precise slurry are water, account for above 90, other compositions are fat, protein particle, pigment particle, phosphatide small body, amine (have choline, precise amine, precise amine plain) , free amino acid (content is changed greatly, the total amount of amino acid in 4-6 hours after being shot of normal people liquid is in 1. 25 grams 100 m 1) , inorganic salts ( There is calcium 25 m g d l, magnesium 14 m g d l, potassium 89 m g d l, zinc 14 m g d l) , enzyme ( Mainly include acid phosphatase, enzyme lactic dehydrogenase, hyaluronnidabe) , carbohydrate ( It is mainly fructose 224 m g 100 m l) . The compositions of these compositions and blood plasma are very much the same, just source, having forms different from function.
According to composition introduced in above, the seminal fluid is basically the same as composition of the blood plasma, then, we bring the food to look compared with seminal fluid again, a bowl of milk (250 ml) Includes 8 grams of proteins, 10 grams of fat, 13 grams of candies, a bowl of soya-bean milk (250 ml) Includes 11 grams of proteins, 5 grams of fat, 29 grams of candies. Compare from the human body of nutrition, milk and soya-bean milk are much more costly than that of seminal fluid, in term of function, the seminal fluid is not the nutriment, but the need of multiplying the offspring.
Lack sex knowledge to educate, make some falsehood spread in the crowd extensively to the limit for a long time, for instance: " one drop is precise, ten bleeds, the liquid of loss, sap one's vitality " ,So that make some people regard falsehood as the truth to believe in. In fact, the seminal fluid is not the high nutriment, absolutely not cure woman's tuberculosis miraculous cure too. Eat up the seminal fluid, generally getting on very well will have no effect on health, but the psychological impact can't be ignored.
The editor recommends:What is the seminal fluid to involved in sex function'the editor recommends:When is the strongest moment of sperm's vigor?


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